About Indira Shiva Rao Polytechnic
Indira Shiva Rao Polytechnic located at Udupi, Karnataka is one of the top rated polytechnics in the state. The polytechnic was established in 1997 by Sri Krishna Shikshana Prathisthana Trust, Sri Krishnapura Mutt, Car Street, Udupi.
The polytechnic offers education in English medium to both boys and girls studying various engineering disciplines. It is duly approved by the AICTE and recognised by the Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Karnataka.
Indira Shiva Rao Polytechnic, Udupi has a well constructed campus on a huge plot of land. The college has a well maintained library with over 7,000 books, journals, etc. The college also maintains book bank and digital library facility. There are separate laboratory facilities for all the disciplines.
The college offers various scholarship facilities in the names of Indira Shiva Rao Trust, Udupi and Kidiyoor Nagalaxmi Srinivas Public Charitable Trust, Udupi.
Extra-curricular activities like Cook without Fire, Best from Waste, Quiz, Singing, Carom, Chess, Drawing, Rangoli are organised from time to time. There is a well maintained playground within the campus.
For admission, candidates should have passed at least 10th standard with not less than 70% marks in Science stream. However, for certain disciplines, candidates who have failed in PUC can also apply. Admissions are strictly on merit.
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