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Cauvery Institute of Technology, Mandya

Looking for the address of Cauvery Institute of Technology in Mandya? See here the updated post which has the full postal address, latest phone numbers and other information of the Cauvery Institute of Technology, Mandya in Karnataka.
College Name: Cauvery Institute of Technology, Mandya
Address: Sundahalli,
Siddaiahnakoppalu Gate,
City: Mandya   Colleges in Mandya
State: Karnataka   Find Colleges in Karnataka
Phone Number: 08232 29199
Official Website:
University: Visvesvaraya Technological University

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About Cauvery Institute of Technology

Cauvery Institute of Technology located in Madya is an engineering college in Karnataka built on 11 acres of land. The college is approved by the AICTE, recognised by the Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Karnataka and is affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum.

The college offers several undergraduate programs for basic sciences apart from engineering disciplines. The college is considered among the best engineering colleges in Karnataka providing opportunities to candidates from economically weaker backgrounds. It offers fee concession and scholarships to economically poor candidates. The college also helps the students with bank loans.

Cauvery Institute of Technology provides various placement opportunities to its students. The college committee is in constant connect with several multinational companies. The college also conducts training programmes across all the semesters. E-Campus drives and pool campus drives are some of the procedures that the college follows. The college also offers its expertise in helping students to acquire basic and advanced communication skills through orientation programs.

The college has state of the art classrooms equipped with audio-visual facility and LCD projectors. There is a seminar hall for workshops and seminars, laboratories for all disciplines and a vast library.

Cauvery Institute of Technology offers admissions to candidates who have qualifying ranks in either CET or COMEDK entrance tests. Such candidates should have passed 2nd PUC or XII Standard with not less than 45% of marks and should have studied English as one of the subjects.

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