About DAV College Malout Punjab
DAV College located in Malout, Punjab is one of the prominent colleges in the state. The college was established under the aegis of DAV College Managing Committee which is responsible for establishing various schools, medical, engineering, pharmacy and other technical institutions across India.
The college is a co-educational one which teaches in English and Punjabi medium. The college is duly approved by the UGC and affiliated with the Punjab University, Chandigarh. The college offers various undergraduate, diploma and add-on courses.
DAV College Malout uses latest teaching aids for its classrooms. The library cum resource centre has a vast collection of books. The college uses in-house operations with the help of E-Granthalaya http://www.egranthalaya.com software of National Informatics Center (NIC), New Delhi.
The college also offers laboratory facilities for all the disciplines. There are several clubs like English Literary Society, Punjabi Sahit Sabha, Hindi Sahitya Parishad, Social Sciences Society, Science Society, Dharam Shiksha Club, Environment Club, Youth Welfare Club, Business Club and many more.
DAV College Malout offers admissions to all, irrespective of caste and community. The admission form can be procured from the college and to be submitted as per the guidelines of the college.
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