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Dr TMA Pai Polytechnic, Manipal, Udupi

Searching for information about the Dr TMA Pai Polytechnic in Manipal, Udupi? This college page will provide the complete postal address and other contact details of the Dr TMA Pai Polytechnic in Udupi district, Karnataka. Learn about this college's facilities and reviews also.
College Name: Dr TMA Pai Polytechnic, Manipal, Udupi
Address: M.I.T. Campus,
Eshwar Nagar
Manipal 576104, Udupi
City: Manipal, Udupi   Colleges in Manipal, Udupi
State: Karnataka   Find Colleges in Karnataka
Phone Number: 0820 2570021, 0820 2925721
Official Website:
University: Directorate General of Training (DGT)

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Dr TMA Pai Polytechnic

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About Dr TMA Pai Polytechnic

Dr TMA Pai Polytechnic located in Manipal, Udupi district is a renowned educational institution for its quality of education and infrastructure. The polytechnic is approved by the AICTE and affiliated with the Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Karnataka. The polytechnic offers education in all the diploma engineering disciplines to both boys and girls. The campus is built on a big plot of land with ample space for its all departments.

Dr TMA Pai Polytechnic offers exceptional campus facilities by using state of the art construction technology. There are separate hostel facilities for boys and girls with facilities like furnished rooms, separate telephone chambers, hot water throughout the day, gymnasium, mess and a separate playground for hostellers.

The college library has a collection of over 10,000 books of various genres including monthly and fortnightly magazines for use by staff and students.

There are facilities for sports like Cricket, Volley Ball, Kabaddi, Foot Ball, Throw Ball, Ball Badminton, Shuttle Badminton, Chess, Carrom, Table Tennis, etc. Apart from this, there is a gymnasium, food canteen and an internet hub for the students to pass their leisure hours.

Dr TMA Pai Polytechnic offers admissions for various diploma engineering disciplines solely on merit. Candidates desirous of admissions at this college are required to have qualifying ranks from Diploma Common Entrance Test conducted by the Karnataka Examination Authority. However, few seats on management quota are also available.

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