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Nitte Rukmini Adyanthaya Memorial Polytechnic, Udupi

Are you looking for details about the Nitte Rukmini Adyanthaya Memorial Polytechnic at Nitte, Karkala in Udupi? This college post is the right page to get complete information about the address, telephone number, website and reviews about the Nitte Rukmini Adyanthaya Memorial Polytechnic.
College Name: Nitte Rukmini Adyanthaya Memorial Polytechnic, Udupi
Address: NET Campus, Nitte Village,
P.O. Nitte, Karkal Taluk,
Udupi - 574110
City: Udupi   Colleges in Udupi
State: Karnataka   Find Colleges in Karnataka
Phone Number: 08258 281263, 08258 281264
Official Website:
University: Directorate General of Training (DGT)

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Nitte Rukmini Adyanthaya Memorial Polytechnic

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About Nitte Rukmini Adyanthaya Memorial Polytechnic

Nitte Rukmini Adyanthaya Memorial Polytechnic at Nitte, Karkala in Udupi was established in 1982. The polytechnic is approved by the AICTE, New Delhi and duly affiliated with the Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Karnataka.

The co-ed polytechnic offers all engineering disciplines. The campus is built on a huge plot of land with ample space. It has furnished classrooms, laboratories, workshops and a library. Apart from these there is a playground, placement cell and separate hostel facilities for boys and girls.

The college undertakes various community services through N.S.S. that conducts various training programs for the people in the surrounding areas. One such training was provided for the beautician course for which around 25 participants participated.

Nitte Rukmini Adyanthaya Memorial Polytechnic offers admissions as per the guidelines of the AICTE, and Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Karnataka. A pass in SSLC or its equivalent is essential for direct admissions and for lateral entries, candidates are required to have passed at least Pre-University or its equivalent.

Candidates to visit the college office to procure the prescribed admission form and qualify in an admission test.

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