About Mansinbhai Institute of Dairy And Food Technology
Mansinbhai Institute of Dairy and Food Technology (MIDFT), Mehsana is an unaided educational and research institute established in 2011 under the trust of Doodsagar Research and Development Association (DURDA), which is working under Mehsana District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Limited.
The institute is affiliated to Kamdhenu University, Gandhinagar. MIDFT, Mehsana offers undergraduate courses namely B. Tech. in Dairy Technology, Dairy Engineering, Dairy Microbiology, Dairy Chemistry, and Dairy Business Management. It also offers postgraduate courses namely M.Tech in Dairy Technology, Dairy Microbiology, Dairy Chemistry, and Dairy Engineering.
FacilitiesThe college has a multi-storey building with fully furnished classrooms, laboratories, a library, faculty rooms, meeting rooms, auditoriums, and other facilities.
The laboratories comprise a central QC lab., a market milk processing plant, a UHT plant, a flavoured milk processing plant, a workshop, a boiler section of Dudhsagar Dairy and the facilities of Sahyog for conducting practical activities. Also, for practicals of Fluid Mechanics, instruments are installed and are conducted in the Engineering Lab.
The library has about 1747 books related to various dairy subjects. It has subscribed to more than 50 magazines and journals on various subjects including periodicals, back volumes of scientific journals, and annual reports of organizations related to the dairy industry. Students are facilitated with e-books and reference notes in hard and soft media.
LocationOne can easily reach Mansinbhai Institute of Dairy and Food Technology as the college campus is located only 2km away from the bus station and equally from Mehsana junction railway station.
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