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Amity School of engineering & technology, NOIDA

Do you want to know more about the Amity School of engineering & technology? Are you looking for information about where this college is located in Noida, Amity Noida Campus, Sector-44, Noida-201303, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh? Want to know whether this college will be a good choice for your self or your child to take admission and study the courses offered? Read this college post to know the address and telephone contact details of this college and also information about the courses offered by this college. Ask any queries related to this college at Forums and Ask Expert Section of this website.
College Name: Amity School of engineering & technology, NOIDA
Address: Amity Noida Campus
Sector - 44
Noida - 201303 (U.P.)
City: NOIDA   Colleges in NOIDA
State: Delhi   Find Colleges in Delhi
Phone Number: 1800-11-00-00, 1800-11-00-00
Official Website:
University: Amity University

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Amity School of engineering & technology

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About Amity School of engineering & technology

The Ritnand Balved Education Foundation (The Amity Foundation) is one of India''s leading non-profit Foundations active in the field of education.

The Amity Foundation has established and funded some of the leading institutions in India , which have over 50,000 students across 600 acres of campuses. Amity is proud to have established the first and largest private (non-profit) University in India, the first wireless campus in India, the No. 1 ranked private Business School in India, the No 1 ranked biotechnology school and the best ranked pvt. Engineering School in terms of placements amongst many other achievements.

Amity is always at the forefront of technology and education and was one of the first to launch programs like Cyber Law, Bioinformatics and Nanotechnology among many others. Amity institutions now have over 2500 faculty members which include six former Vice Chancellors and many renowned scientists, academicians and corporate leaders.

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College Admission Consulting & Guidance is not associated with Amity School of engineering & technology, NOIDA. For admissions to this college, please find the contact details of Amity School of engineering & technology above and contact the college directly. has been helping students since 2006 to find the right colleges and courses for them through our education platform. If you are looking for College/University Admissions in various colleges in India, we can guide you to find the best colleges and courses for you.

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Courses in Amity School of engineering & technology

Course NameFeesSeats
B.Tech Aerospace Engineering
M.Tech Avionics
B.Tech. Bioinformatics
B.Tech. Biotechnology
M.Tech. Biotechnology
B.Tech Civil Engineering
M.Tech. Wireless Communication
B.E Computer Science and Engineering
M.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
M.Tech. Control Systems
M.Tech Power Systems
B.Tech. Electronics and Instrumentation Eng
M.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering
M.Tech. Embedded Systems
B.Tech. Solar and Alternative Energies
Ph.D. Environmental Science
B.Tech Food Technology
M.Tech Nanotechnology
M.Tech Nuclear Science and Technology
M.Tech VLSI Design
B.Tech. Information Technology
M.Tech. Information Technology
M.Tech. Mechatronics
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Posted By: Syed Rizwan    Posted Date: 05 Feb 2012   

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