About Pydah College Of Engineering & Technology
This College is located in a village located 15 km away from the vizag city. This College offers courses like ECE,EIE,EEE,CIVIL,CSE and other masters programmes like MCA & MBA.
Here is a partial list of courses offered by the institution
Civil Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake - 60 seats for 2006-07, 2007-08 & 2008-09
Computer Science & Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake - 60 seats for 2006-07; 120 seats for 2007-08 & 2008-09
Electrical & Electronics Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake - 60 seats for 2006-07 & 2007-08, 2007-08 & 2008-09
Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake - 60 seats for 2006-07, 2007-08 & 2008-09
Electronics & Communication Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake - 120 seats for 2006-07, 2007-08 & 2008-09
Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Full Time - AICTE Approved Intake - 60 seats for 2006-07, 2007-08 & 2008-09
Master of Computer Applications (MCA) - Full Time - AICTE Approved Intake - 60 seats for 2006-07, 2007-08 & 2008-09 3. Here is a partial list of courses offered by the institution
Civil Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake - 60 seats for 2006-07, 2007-08 & 2008-09
Computer Science & Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake - 60 seats for 2006-07; 120 seats for 2007-08 & 2008-09
Electrical & Electronics Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake - 60 seats for 2006-07 & 2007-08, 2007-08 & 2008-09
Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake - 60 seats for 2006-07, 2007-08 & 2008-09
Electronics & Communication Engineering - AICTE Approved Intake - 120 seats for 2006-07, 2007-08 & 2008-09
Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Full Time - AICTE Approved Intake - 60 seats for 2006-07, 2007-08 & 2008-09
Master of Computer Applications (MCA) - Full Time - AICTE Approved Intake - 60 seats for 2006-07, 2007-08 & 2008-09
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