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Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore

Are you looking for information about Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research in Indore Bypass Road, Near Manglia Square, Indore - 453771, Madhya Pradesh? Looking for admissions and results related to this college? Check this college post to know more about this institute along with address, website and contact details.
College Name: Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Address: Acropolis College Bypass Rd, Mangliya Square,
Manglia, Indore, Madhya Pradesh - 453771
City: Indore   Colleges in Indore
State: Madhya Pradesh   Find Colleges in Madhya Pradesh
Phone Number: 0731- 4730000, 4730001, Fax: 0731- 4730011
Email: ,,    
Official Website:
University: Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya(Technical University)
Other popular names: Acropolis, AITR

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About Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research

To envisage future challenges in technical field at National and International level. Educate and train students so that they can become technically qualified & highly skilled professionals to meet future challenges and needs of post GATT regime i.e. globalization.

To inculcate research culture to transform India from developing to developed country.

The Institute strives for producing the future nation builders with high skills, knowledge, expertise and wisdom for better productivity and economic upliftment of the society & the country.

Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research is located in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. It is one of the leading engineering colleges in Indore. It is a private engineering college. Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research (AITR) was established in 2005. It is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. It is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya for BE and ME courses and affiliated to Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya (DAVV) for Master of Computer Application (MCA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) courses. Mr Gaurav Sojatia is chairman of this college and Dr. Kamal Bharani is the principal. It provides library, hostel, play grounds, sports/games, classrooms, canteen, laboratories, extra-curricular activity clubs, well-furnished auditorium and seminar halls, health care service and computer facilities for the students.
- Pawan Kumar

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Courses in Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research

Course NameFeesSeats
B.E. Computer ScienceAs per Government norms240 as per Info from website
M.Tech. Computer Science and EngineeringAs per Government norms24 as per Info from website
B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering45000/ per year60/ asper norms
B.E. ITAs per Government norms120 as per the website
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Posted By: Syed Rizwan    Posted Date: 06 Dec 2016   
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