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Vel Sri Rangarajan Shakunthala Hitech Engineering College, Chennai

Are you looking for information on Vel Sri Rangarajan Shakunthala Hitech Engineering College? At this Collage page you will get all the details about the sports facilities, infrastructure, academic & other activities of Vel Sri Rangarajan Shakunthala Hitech Engineering College. You will also know the contact details for admissions in to this college.
College Name: Vel Sri Rangarajan Shakunthala Hitech Engineering College, Chennai
Address: No.60, Avadi-Vel,
Tech City Road,
Samaya Puram,
Chennai, 600062
City: Chennai   Colleges in Chennai
State: Tamil Nadu   Find Colleges in Tamil Nadu
Phone Number: 073587 01998, 180030706949
Official Website:
University: Anna University Chennai
Other popular names: VSRS

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Courses in Vel Sri Rangarajan Shakunthala Hitech Engineering College

Course NameFeesSeats
B.E. Biomedical Engineering60
B.E. Biotechnology3250060
B.E Chemical Engineering3250030
B.E Civil Engineering60
B.E Computer Science and EngineeringAs per Anna university
B.E. Computer Engineering40000120
M.E. Computer Science and Engineering18
B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering120
B.E. Electronics & Communication Engineering120
B.E. Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering120
M.E. Embedded System Technologies18
M.E. VLSI Design18
M.Tech. Information Technology18
B.E Mechanical Engineering120
M.B.A. Business Administration120
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Reviews of Vel Sri Rangarajan Shakunthala Hitech Engineering College

Good college for infrasturcture-Vel tech multi 3 out of 53 out of 53 out of 5
This college is well known for its architect. I have been to this college for symposium. All the facilities in this college is good. This college was under the control of the Anna university and then it is changed to the vels University. There are many advantages in studying in this college. This college is a very big college with a healthy infrastructure. The faculty and the teaching is also good. When i went to this college the college told that they will not provide any transportation facility to go out of that place. The college will be deep inside the town surrounded by the waste lands. It is good to study in that college too.
- By Balasubramanian S, 28 May 2010

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