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DAV college for girls, yamunanagar

Are you looking for information related to DAV college for girls located at Yamuna Nagar-135001, Haryana? Check this college post to get details about the address, university and facilities provided by the college.
College Name: DAV college for girls, yamunanagar
Address: DAV College for Girls, Yamuna Nagar-135001
City: yamunanagar   Colleges in yamunanagar
State: Haryana   Find Colleges in Haryana
Phone Number: +91-1732-224674
Official Website:
University: Kurukshetra University

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About DAV college for girls

Making a real humble start with only four girl students on its rolls in the first batch in 1958, D.A.V. College for Girls, Yamuna Nagar is poised on the threshold of a grand Golden Jubilee Year in the session 2007-08. The long march forward in the gone by fifty years has been an uphill journey indeed with many a hurdle to cross and many an obstacle to overcome. But braving all the rebuffs and challenges tenaciously, the institution has at long last successfully completed five glorious decades in the service of the community in general and for the cause of women upliftment in particular

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