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Maharaja Agrasen College, Delhi

Maharaja Agrasen College is located at Pocket-IV, Phase-I, Mayur Vihar, Delhi, Delhi 110091. Check this college post to know about the courses offered, how to reach details and other relevant information about the college over here.
College Name: Maharaja Agrasen College, Delhi
Address: Pocket-IV, Phase-I, Mayur Vihar, Delhi, Delhi 110091
City: Delhi   Colleges in Delhi
State: Delhi   Find Colleges in Delhi
Phone Number: +91-11-22610565, +91-11-22610552
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University: University of Delhi

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Maharaja Agrasen College

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About Maharaja Agrasen College

Maharaja Agrasen College has been serving the cause of education for a full decade. Established in 1994 with the objective of catering to the educational requirements of the densely populated East Delhi area, it is today attracting serious and intelligent students. The college has indeed made East Delhi educationally self reliant as students today prefer to join this college rather than go all the way to distant campus colleges in search for quality education.

The college is fully funded by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Though the college is housed in a temporary school building, it has valuable infrastructural assets like a computer centre, fully computerized Library, well equipped laboratories, state - of - the - art conference hall etc. The college has a 10 acre plot in Vasundhara Enclave for construction of permanent building. The Govt. of NCT of Delhi is taking a keen interest in sanctioning multi-crore building project which is likely to take off in the current academic

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Courses in Maharaja Agrasen College

Course NameFeesSeats
M Tech Automobile
B.A. Business Economics
B.A Education
B.Sc. Electronics
B.A. Journalism
B.A. English
B.A. Hindi
B.Sc. Mathematics
B.A. Political Science
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Posted By: Kranthi Kumar (K K)    Posted Date: 08 Mar 2012   
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Phone: +91-11-22610565, +91-11-22610552

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