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Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai

One of the most sought after Engineering college in Chennai, Semmenchery village, old mamallapuram road, chennai-600119, Tamil Nadu, Jeppiaar Engineering College offers Engineering and other such courses for graduate and post graduate learning. Find the details of Courses, Admission, Fees, Address of Jeppiaar Engineering College.
College Name: Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai
Address: Semmenchery Village,
Old Mamallapuram Road,
Chennai– 600 119.
City: Chennai   Colleges in Chennai
State: Tamil Nadu   Find Colleges in Tamil Nadu
Phone Number: 044-24502818, 044-24503216-17, Fax:044-24502820
Official Website:
University: Anna University Chennai
Other popular names: Jeppiar Educational Institute

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Courses in Jeppiaar Engineering College

Course NameFeesSeats
B.E. Aeronautical Engineering72,00030
B.E. Aeronautical Engineering
B.Tech. Biotechnology
M.Tech. Biotechnology
B.E Civil Engineering60
B.E Civil Engineering
B.E Computer Science and Engineering
B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
B.E. Electronics & Communication Engineering
B.E. Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering1.5 lakhs120
M.E. Power Electronics & Drives18
M.E. Power Electronics & Drives
B.Tech. Information Technology
B.E. Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering120
B.E. Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
M.B.A Finance
M.B.A Systems Management
B.E Mechanical Engineering
M.B.A. Business Administration60,000120
M.B.A. Human Resource Management
M.B.A. Marketing Management
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Reviews of Jeppiaar Engineering College

Jeppiaar Engineering College 3 out of 53 out of 53 out of 5
Jeppiaar Engineering College was started in the year 2001. Its a Christian minority institution. Its present in Old Mahapaliburam Road, Chennai. Its near Sathayabama deemed university. It offers nine under graduation courses and three post graduation courses. This institution has the Certification of ISO 9001 : 2000. It belongs to the Jeppiaar educational trust. The college starts at 8.00 in the morning and ends at 3.00 in the evening. It has many university rank holder. The students of this college are placed in the top IT companies and various core industries. This college is well known for discipline and academic standard. They provied excellent transport facilities and food facilities. They have nice infracture and good lab facilities. Mobile phones are not allowed inside the college campus. Technical symbosiums and various workshops are conducted inside the campus to enrich the knowledge of the students. Good library facilities are offered to the students. Students are take to industrial visits to update their technical knowledge. Special trainings are given to all the student to get through the apitude test and get placed in a nice company.
- By sasi kala, 21 Jul 2009

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Posted By: Pramod Dabholkar    Posted Date: 19 Mar 2013   
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Posted By: Syed Rizwan    Posted Date: 24 May 2014   
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