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Anjuman Institute of Technology and Management, Bhatkal

Are you looking for information about the Anjuman Institute of Technology and Management at Bhatkal? Wondering about the fee structure and courses offered at the college? Check this post to get complete information about the college, courses offered and staying and canteen facilities.
College Name: Anjuman Institute of Technology and Management, Bhatkal
Address: P.B. No. 24, Anjumanabad,
Bhatkal - 581320,
City: Bhatkal   Colleges in Bhatkal
State: Karnataka   Find Colleges in Karnataka
Phone Number: +91 93424 26554
Official Website:
University: Visvesvaraya Technological University
Other popular names: AITM

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Anjuman Institute of Technology and Management

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About Anjuman Institute of Technology and Management

Established in 1980 and recognized by All India Institute of Technical Education (AICTE).It is the crowning glory and dedicated efforts of the Anjuman Trust.
This college is an un-aided private engineering institution and very best in technical Education.
College provides computer attached laboratories for every department with most mordern equipments. It has sophisticated centralized Computer centre and separate internet lab facilities are provided for the students. College has provided a very good library with sufficient number of latest copies covering all subjects in various branches. College also includes an extra curriculum and entertainment section. College is the University Champions in various sports field like Football, Basketball etc. and also has been very active in conducting literary activities. Educational tours and Students Guidance Bureau are also included in the college facilities. Also hostel facility with residence and mess are provided by AEC.

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Courses in Anjuman Institute of Technology and Management

Course NameFeesSeats
M.B.A International Business
B.Tech. Electronics and Communications Engineering60
M.Sc Computer Science
B.E. Information Science and Engineering
M.B.A FinanceAs per Visvesvaraya Technological University50
M.Phil. Philosophy
M.B.A. Human Resource ManagementAs per Visvesvaraya Technological University50
M.B.A. Marketing ManagementAs per Visvesvaraya Technological University50
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Updates & Comments:

Posted By: sri    Posted Date: 19 May 2010   
In the Add course list of this college, a number of courses are added.Bull all these courses doesn't exist. Only some of them exist and other courses can be deleted.

The available course in this college are
S. No Course Seats available
1 Civil Engineering 40

2 Mechanical Engineering 60

3 Electrical & Electronics Engineering 40

4 Electronics & Communication Engineering 60

5 Computer Science & Engineering 45

6 Information Science & Engineering 22

These five courses doesn't exist in this college.
B.E Electrical and Electronics 30
B.E Electronics and Tele-Communication 60
B.E Industrial Production 30
B.Tech Architecture 30
B.Tech Industrial Engineering 30

B.E Electrical and Electronics 30 is placed twice in the course list.

Posted By: Mohammed Abuhuraira Akrami    Posted Date: 14 Jul 2010   
Dear sir, the name of Anjuman Engineering College Bhatkal, has changed to Anjuman Institute of Technology and Management(AITM), from this month only.

You can verify it from the website
New chourse of MBA in marketing and finance has been added to the curriculum of the college.

further more the information about the courses and the intakes are wrong the correct information about the coursesand intakes are as follows
Civil Engineering 60 4 years
Mechanical Engineering 120 4 years
Electrical and Electronics Engg. 40 4 years
Electronics & Communications Engg. 60 4 years
Computer Science and Engg. 45 4 years
Information Science and Engg. 22 4 years
Management Studies 60 2 years
Very have a visit at: to verify the information given by me.

Kindly update and change the college name as well

Posted By: Vandana    Posted Date: 26 Aug 2019   
The correct website of Anjuman Institute of Technology and Management is
The correct email ID is
The current contact phone number is +91 93424 26554.

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