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Anurag Engineering College, Kodad

Anurag Engineering College located Kodad, Ananthagiri (V),Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh-508 206. Find the Scope, Career opportunities, Placement, Admission, Address of Anurag Engineering College.
College Name: Anurag Engineering College, Kodad
Address: Anurag Engineering College
Ananthagiri (V) Koadad (M)
Nalgonda (Dist.)A.P., India.
Pin Code - 508 206
City: Kodad   Colleges in Kodad
State: Telangana   Find Colleges in Telangana
Phone Number: 08683– 272555, 08683-272456
Official Website:
University: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad

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Anurag Engineering College

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About Anurag Engineering College

Anurag Engineering College is established in 2001 and is reputed as one of the most preferred colleges for engineering education within short time. The college has created a resourceful and inspiring academic ambiance and world-class infrastructure.

Our college is one of the best colleges in our district and it is one of the affiliated college to the JNTU

It is the college which has many courses like,,M.C.A,M.B.A,
in this every thing is fine
1)Good Staff members
2)Good Hostel facilities for girls&boys
3)transport facilities for non hostelers
4)campus placements
Taking care about Students Attendance &Regular Performance in Studies

College Code : C1
College Name : Anurag Engineering College
Society Name : Amartya Educational Society
Secretary Name : Dr. P. Rajeswar Reddy
Secretary Mobile: 9866308200
Principal Name : Dr. Akash N Patwari
Principal Mobile: 9395566705

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Courses in Anurag Engineering College

Course NameFeesSeats
BE Chemical28,00060
B.Tech Civil Engineering30,200 as per university60
B.Tech. Electronics and Communications Engineering30200120
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering30200120
M.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering2757518
M.Tech. Software Engineering2757518
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering3020060
M.Tech. Power Electronics28,000INR60
M.Tech. Electrical Power System28,000INR24
M.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineeringas per University18
M.Tech. Embedded Systems2757518
M.Tech. VLSI system design2757518
Diploma Mechanical Engineering12028K
M.Tech Machine Design28,000INR24
B.Tech. Information Technology3020090
CAD Matrix28K120
M.Tech Computer Aided Manufacturing2757518
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering3020060
M.Tech CAD / CAM28,000INR18
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Updates & Comments:

Posted By: ram    Posted Date: 06 Nov 2010   
College Code : C1
College Name : Anurag Engineering College
Society Name : Amartya Educational Society
Secretary Name : Dr. P. Rajeswar Reddy
Secretary Mobile: 9866308200
Principal Name : Dr. Akash N Patwari
Principal Mobile: 9395566705

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