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DOEACC Centre Calicut

Find information related to DOEACC Centre Calicut in Formerly Centre for Electronics Design & Technology of India, PB No: 5,NIT Calicut(PO), in this post. Also get to know the infrastructure and facilities provided by the college and the affiliation information. Read to know how to reach to this college, related social activities, students who have studied in this college and ask for any related questions about the courses presented for students.
College Name: DOEACC Centre Calicut
Address: DOEACC Centre Calicut,
Formerly Centre for Electronics Design & Technology of India,
PB No: 5,NIT Calicut(PO),
City: calicut   Colleges in calicut
Phone Number:
Official Website:
University: Indian Institute of Technology Chennai
Other popular names: Centre for Electronics Design & Technology of India [ CEDTI]

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DOEACC Centre Calicut

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About DOEACC Centre Calicut

A Premier R&D Institition under Department of Communications & Information Technology,Government of India.
Involved in Training,Product Development, R&D,& Consultancy.
Received endorsement from World bank,DST,DIT,MIT ,UNO,UNIDO & Swiss Government for Manpower training,Consultancy and R&D activities.
Full fees waiver for Students belonging to SC & ST.
M.Tech in VLSI Design(VLSI Design Group)
M.Tech in Embedded System Design( ESD Group)
PG Diploma in VLSI Design(VLSI Design Group)
PG Diploma in Embedded System Design
Certificate Program in Digital System Design using VHDL & FPGA
Certificate Program Digital Signal Processing applications using FPGA &PLDs
Certificate Program Wireless Communications
Certificate programs in VHDL & Verilog HDL
Certificate program in Cyber Security
Certificate program in Shell Programming
PG Diploma in Instrumentation & Control
Certificate programs in power Electronics & Master''s leve academic Projects

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Courses in DOEACC Centre Calicut

Course NameFeesSeats
Certification VLSI Design
Certification VLSI Design
M.Tech. Embedded Systemshttp://www.cedtic.com20
M.Tech. VLSI system design
Post Graduate Diploma VLSI DesignRs 38,00020
Other Bachelor's DegreeRs 50,000/- as two installments40 per Batch 2 Batches a Year February and August
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