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Musaliar College of Engineering and Technology, Pathanamthitta

Musaliar College of Engineering & Technology, Pathanamthitta is founded and managed by Musaliar Education Trust. The college is affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University. Here is the list of Courses offered, Fee structure, Facilities, Activities, Address of Musaliar College of engineering & Technology.
College Name: Musaliar College of Engineering and Technology, Pathanamthitta
Address: Kumbazha(P.O), Pathanamthitta, Pin-689 653.
City: Pathanamthitta   Colleges in Pathanamthitta
State: Kerala   Find Colleges in Kerala
Phone Number: 04733-301702, 04733-301703
Official Website:
University: Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala

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Musaliar College of Engineering and Technology

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About Musaliar College of Engineering and Technology

Musaliar College of engineering & Technology is spread over 15 acres of land in Pathanamthitta, Kerala. The college is an ISO 9001:2000 certified institution. It offers B.Tech, M.Tech, M.B.A & M.C.A courses. All the courses are approved by AICTE. Musaliar College of engineering & Technology is run by a charitable trust named Musaliar Education Trust and is affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University. The admission is available in Merit and Management quota.

Departments of Musaliar College of Engineering & Technology

Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical & Electronics
Electronics & Communication
Computer Science & Engineering
Humanities & Science


Here is the list of courses offered by Musaliar College of Engineering & Technology :
B.Tech Civil Engineering
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
B.Tech Electrical & Electronics Engineering
B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering
B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

M.Tech Computer Integrated manufacturing
M.Tech Computer Science & Engineering
M.Tech VLSI & Embedded Systems




The infrastructure facilities of Musaliar College of Engineering & Technology includes well equipped Labs, Workshops, Spacious classrooms, Seminar halls, Computer centre etc. The library has a stock of more than 10,000 volumes of books. The college provides accommodation for students coming from distant places. The intake capacity of boys hostel is 400 students & of girls hostel is 320 students. Vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food is available in the hostel.


Since Musaliar College of Engineering & Technology is situated along the Pathanamthitta - Malayalapuzha District Highway, it is easily accessible by road. Frequent Private as well as KSRTC buses ply through this route. The college is located just 3 Kms from the Pathanamthitta Civil Station.

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Courses in Musaliar College of Engineering and Technology

Course NameFeesSeats
B.Tech Civil Engineering60
B.Tech. Electronics and Communications Engineering120
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering60
M.Tech. Computer Integrated Manufacturing
M.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering60
M.Tech VLSI Design
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering120
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