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Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Hosur

Are you looking for details about the Adhiyamaan College of Engineering at Hosur in Tamil Nadu? This college post is the right page to get complete information about the address, telephone number, website and reviews of Adhiyamaan College of Engineering.
College Name: Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Hosur
Address: Dr. M.G.R. Nagar, Hosur,
Tamil Nadu - 635109.
City: Hosur    Colleges in Hosur
State: Tamil Nadu   Find Colleges in Tamil Nadu
Phone Number: +91-4344-261020, 261001/261002/261003/260570
Official Website:
University: Anna University Chennai

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Adhiyamaan College of Engineering

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About Adhiyamaan College of Engineering

Adhiyamaan College of Engineering is an autonomous college. It is approved by A.I.T.E.C., New Delhi and affiliated to Anna University, Chennai. It is an ISO9001:2008 certified Institution.

Adhiyamaan College of Engineering is one of the educational institutions developed by Adhiyamaan Educational & Research Institution - Trust, which was started in the year 1987-1988 to cater to the needs of the nation in the development of technocrats and to provide facilities for educating and training men and women to meet the entrepreneurial and management needs. The management has created adequate infrastructural facilities and sufficient funds and is keen on developing the institute for higher education.

It is the first Engineering College to be started in the most backward erstwhile Dharmapuri District of the State of Tamiln

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Courses in Adhiyamaan College of Engineering

Course NameFeesSeats
B.E. Aeronautical EngineeringAs per Govt. of Tamil Nadu norms.60
B.Arch. Architecture40
Bachelor of ArchitectureAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms40
B.E. Biomedical EngineeringAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms60
B.Tech. BiotechnologyAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms60
B.Tech Chemical EngineeringAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms30
B.E Civil EngineeringAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms60
M.E. Engineering DesignAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms18
M.Tech. Remote SensingAs per Tamil Nadu Government norms18
M.E. Communication SystemsAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms18
B.E Computer Science and Engineering50000130
M.C.AAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms90
M.E. Computer Aided DesignAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms18
M.E. Computer ScienceAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms18
M.E. Computer Science and EngineeringAs per Govt. of Tamil Nadu norms.40
B.E. Electrical and Electronics EngineeringAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms60
M.E Power System EngineeringAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms18
B.E. Electronic Instrumentation & Control EngineerAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms45
B.E. Electronics & Communication EngineeringAs per Govt. of Tamil Nadu norms.
B.E. Electronics & Tele-Communication EngineeringAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms120
M.E. Environmental EngineeringAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms18
Bachelor in Rehabilitation ScienceAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms60
B.Tech. Information TechnologyAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms120
B.E Mechanical EngineeringAs per Tamilnadu Government Norms165
B.E. Production EngineeringAs per Tamil Nadu Government Norms45
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Updates & Comments:

Posted By: abhirami    Posted Date: 18 Nov 2010   
Adhiyamaan College of Engineering is now no more under Anna University ,Chennai.It has become autonomous and it is affliated to Anna University of Technology, Coimbutore.

Posted By: Lakshmi S    Posted Date: 25 Jul 2012   
Adhiyamaan College of Engineering is an autonomous college. It is approved by A.I.T.E.C., New Delhi and affiliated to Anna University, Chennai. It is an ISO9001:2008 certified Institution.


Address: Dr. M.G.R. Nagar, Hosur, Tamil Nadu, India - 635109.

Telephone No.s: +91-4344-261020/261001/261002/261003/260570.


Posted By: Padmini    Posted Date: 13 Feb 2020   
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Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai

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