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Administrative Management College, Bangalore

Check this college post to know more information about the Administrative Management College located in Bannerghatta Main Road, Bangalore, Karnataka. Get information about the address, email address, website and telephone number to know as to getting in touch with this college.
College Name: Administrative Management College, Bangalore
Address: 18th Kilometer, Bannerghatta Main Road, Bangalore - 560083
City: Bangalore   Colleges in Bangalore
State: Karnataka   Find Colleges in Karnataka
Phone Number: +919902044113, +919902044114
Official Website:
University: Bangalore University
Other popular names: AMC, Bangalore

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Administrative Management College

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About Administrative Management College

Administrative Management College, better known as AMC is a group of educational institutions offering twenty five different educational programmes. The primary focus of the college is to benefit the student reach his educational objective in their area of interest. The Institute prepares the student to become a competent, professional, who are academically prepared, eager and able to face the challenges offered by today''s society.

We believe that by keeping the students needs foremost in mind, both student and the college will benefit to the utmost.

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Courses in Administrative Management College

Course NameFeesSeats
M.Sc. BiochemistryAs per government norms30
B.Sc. BiotechnologyAs per government norms180
B.Sc. MicrobiologyAs per government norms50
M.Sc. BiotechnologyAs per government norms30
B.Sc Chemistry (Hons)As per government norms
B.ComAs per government norms200
B.C.A.As per government norms120
M.C.AAs per government norms60
Bachelor in Hospitality Management (BHM)As per government norms60
B.A. Journalism
M.A Mass Communication and Journalism
M.B.AAs per government norms196
B.Sc. StatisticsAs per government norms120
B.Sc. PhysicsAs per government norms120
B.B.A.As per government norms180
B.Sc. ZoologyAs per government norms
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Posted By: sobha wilson    Posted Date: 03 May 2020   
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