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Radha Govind Engineering College, Meerut

Are you searching for a institute to provide Engineering education in Anuyogipuramd Garh Road,Near Medical College Meerut - 250004 (U.P.)? Check this college post to know more about the Radha Govind Engineering College and get their contact details and website for free. Also get to know the recognising university and basic infrastructure information about the college.
College Name: Radha Govind Engineering College, Meerut
Address: Anuyogipuramd Garh Road,Near Medical College
Meerut - 250004 (U.P.)
City: Meerut   Colleges in Meerut
State: Uttar Pradesh   Find Colleges in Uttar Pradesh
Phone Number: 2765023, 6453081
Official Website:
University: Gautam Buddh Technical University

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Radha Govind Engineering College


About Radha Govind Engineering College

SKSPS (Shree Krishna Shiksha Prasar Samiti) has established two professional Educational Institutions. RGEC (Radha Govind Engineering College) in 1999 and IIMS (Institute of Informatics & Management Sciences) in 1996. The avowed objective is to provide World Class Engineering Education at RGEC and Professional Applications education leading to BCA / MCA / MBA and B.Ed at the Institute of Informatics & Management Sciences. The Institutions have been accredited by the AICTE and affiliated to U.P. Technical University, Lucknow and Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut.

Latest information about courses offered with intake:
B.Tech ECE 120
EIE 60
ECT 60
CSE 120
IT 120
MEC 120
CE 60
M.Tech CSE 18

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Posted By: Rama surendra Buddha    Posted Date: 06 Aug 2010   
Latest information about courses offered with intake:
B.Tech ECE 120
EIE 60
ECT 60
CSE 120
IT 120
MEC 120
CE 60
M.Tech CSE 18

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