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PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore

Do you want to get more information about the PSG College of Technology located at Coimbatore Tamil Nadu? Read this college post to know about the courses and facilities offered at this college and also about the contact details.
College Name: PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
Address: Avinashi Road,
Coimbatore - 641 004
Tamil Nadu
City: Coimbatore   Colleges in Coimbatore
State: Tamil Nadu   Find Colleges in Tamil Nadu
Phone Number: 0422-2572177, 2572477, 2580455, 2578455,, 0422-4304400
Email:, ,    
Official Website:
Other popular names: P.S.G. College of Technology; P.S.G College of Technology; PSG College of Engineering; P.S.GOVINDASWAMY College of Technology

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PSG College of Technology

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About PSG College of Technology

Dr. R. Rudramoorthy is the principal/Dean of this college.

Bank Account number of this college is 30414547122 (State Bank of India)

Nearest Railway station for this college is Coimbatore Railway station which is just 5 kilometer distance from the college.

Hostel Facilities is available for both boys and girls with both Veg/Non-Veg mess.

Mess bill for boys hostel in this college is Rs. 2000/- per month approximately and it is Rs. 1800/- per month approximately for girls hostel of this college.

Room rent for this college hostel is Rs. 1300/- per month.

Electricity charges for this college hostel is Rs. 200/- per month.

We need to pay Rs. 5000/- as a caution deposit in this college while joining the hostel.

Transport facility is not available in this college.

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College Admission Consulting & Guidance is not associated with PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. For admissions to this college, please find the contact details of PSG College of Technology above and contact the college directly. has been helping students since 2006 to find the right colleges and courses for them through our education platform. If you are looking for College/University Admissions in various colleges in India, we can guide you to find the best colleges and courses for you.

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Courses in PSG College of Technology

Course NameFeesSeats
B.E Automobile Engineering60
B.Tech. Automobile Engineering
B.E. Biomedical Engineering60
B.E. Biotechnology
M.Tech. Biotechnology30
B.E Civil Engineeringaccording to anna university norms30
B.E Computer Science and Engineering
B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
B.E. Electronics & Communication Engineering
M.E. Applied Electronics
B.Tech. Information TechnologyTuition fee as per government norms120
P.G.D. Marketing Management120
B.E Mechanical Engineeringas per givenment norms60
B.E. Metallurgy30
B.Tech. Fashion TechnologyTuition fee as per government norms120
B.Tech. Textile Engineering / Textile Technology30
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Reviews of PSG College of Technology

Review on PSG Tech 3 out of 53 out of 53 out of 5
PSG College of Technology,situated amidst the busy roads of Coimbatore,is a well developed college with 100% placement opportunity in IT sector.Its a good college for both sports and academic activities.The students pass out as achievers in their interested field.Also,the cultural events in this college really shakes the entire city. The teaching level is up to the mark.But they never spoon feed the students.This makes the students independent to learn and shine well during placements.The exam papers are normally tough. Students involved in sports are encouraged for many tournaments and are given good training. Hostel facilities are average.The rooms will be small and we have space for cot and cupboard.Food will be again average.
- By V Lissy, 02 Jul 2010

Review on PSG College of Technology, Tamil Nadu 4 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 5


PSG College of technology was founded by PSG and son’s charities trust in the year 1951. PSG College of technology is an ISO 9001:2000 certified institution and also attained Autonomous ...

- By Faizal, 06 Mar 2012

Review on PSG College of Technology 4 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 5

About PSG

PSG College of technology is one of the most popular technical institutes in Coimbatore, which was established in 1951 by G.R.Damodaran. It’s an autonomous, and a Government aided college ...

- By Manikandan Sankar, 26 Dec 2012

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Updates & Comments:

Posted By: Viswa Prakash Das    Posted Date: 31 May 2010   
Recognizing the excellent facilities, faculty, progressive outlook, high academic
standards and record performance, the University of Madras reposed abundant
confidence in the capabilities of the College, and PSG College of Technology was
conferred the Autonomous Status in 1978, to update its own courses and
curriculum, to devise and conduct examinations, and to evaluate students'
performance based on a system of continuous assessment. Sedulous progress
has been the hallmark of PSG College of Technology.

Posted By: Viswa Prakash Das    Posted Date: 31 May 2010   
Recognizing the excellent facilities, faculty, progressive outlook, high academic
standards and record performance, the University of Madras reposed abundant
confidence in the capabilities of the College, and PSG College of Technology was
conferred the Autonomous Status in 1978, to update its own courses and
curriculum, to devise and conduct examinations, and to evaluate students'
performance based on a system of continuous assessment. Sedulous progress
has been the hallmark of PSG College of Technology.

Posted By: Syed Rizwan    Posted Date: 04 Jun 2011   
Affiliated to : Anna University, Coimbatore

Posted By: Gopi    Posted Date: 01 Jun 2013   
Dr. R. Rudramoorthy is the principal/Dean of this college.

Bank Account number of this college is 30414547122 (State Bank of India)

Nearest Railway station for this college is Coimbatore Railway station which is just 5 kilometer distance from the college.

Hostel Facilities is available for both boys and girls with both Veg/Non-Veg mess.

Mess bill for boys hostel in this college is Rs. 2000/- per month approximately and it is Rs. 1800/- per month approximately for girls hostel of this college.

Room rent for this college hostel is Rs. 1300/- per month.

Electricity charges for this college hostel is Rs. 200/- per month.

We need to pay Rs. 5000/- as a caution deposit in this college while joining the hostel.

Transport facility is not available in this college.

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