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R.A. Podar College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai

Looking for information about R.A. Podar College of Commerce & Economics in L.N Napoo Road, Matunga, Mumbai - 400 019,Maharashtra? Check this post to get more information about the facilities provided by the college, their contact details and other related information.
College Name: R.A. Podar College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai
Address: R.A. Podar College of Commerce & Economics
L.N Napoo Road,
Matunga, Mumbai - 400 019,
City: Mumbai   Colleges in Mumbai
State: Maharashtra   Find Colleges in Maharashtra
Phone Number: (022) 24141964, 24143178
Official Website:
University: University of Mumbai

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R.A. Podar College of Commerce & Economics

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About R.A. Podar College of Commerce & Economics

The R.A. Podar College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai has had a long history, which commences with freedom struggle of India. The visionaries of that time realized that they should start an institution which would inculcate the indigenous values and have the thrust of social and cultural value system that are typical to the grand heritage of our country.

This college is one of the top commerce colleges in Mumbai and its cricket team also excels often in inter-college tournaments. It offers B.Com and M.Com courses as well as diploma course and short-term certificate courses. The college has an NSS unit, a Student Council, a self-development cell, and a women''s development cell. Facilities on the campus include a canteen, library, computer center, gymkhana office, etc.

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Courses in R.A. Podar College of Commerce & Economics

Course NameFeesSeats
B.Com Accountancynot knownnot known
B.Com Managementnot knownnot known
M.Com Accountancy
M.Com Management
Certification Investment & Stock Market
Certification Micro Finance
Bachelor of Management Studiesnot knownnot known
Diploma Management
Certification Vedic Math
Certification Phonetics & Personality Development
Certification Yoga
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Reviews of R.A. Podar College of Commerce & Economics

R A Podar College of Commerce and Economics review 4 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 5
The R A Podar College of Commerce and Economics is one of the most prestigious colleges in Mumbai and, in fact, is one of the top colleges in the commerce stream. Although ...
- By Vandana, 16 Apr 2011

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