Campus Representative of
Premlila Vithaldas Polytechnic
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Premlila Vithaldas Polytechnic
SNDT Women''s University, established in 1916, has been a pioneer in Women''s education in India. The University has a high standing as a leading center for excellence in education in India today.
It is an ISO9001:2008 certified institution and the admission for following courses is online and the polytechnic has it''s own ARC centre. DMLT,Ophthalmic Technology,Food Technology, Electronics and Travel & Tourism.
In 1976, the University set the pace for vocation-oriented education by establishing P.V. Polytechnic where you can select from a range of job-oriented technical courses. P.V. Polytechnic has been commended by experts for producing high quality programmes which meet national and international standards of excellence.
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