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Dr. C. V Raman University, Bilaspur

Did you land up on this page while searching for information about Dr. C. V Raman University, Kargi Raod, Kota, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh? You have come to right page to get information about the Address, Phone number, Website and Email address as well as complete information about facilities, photos and courses about Dr. C. V Raman University.
College Name: Dr. C. V Raman University, Bilaspur
Address: Dr. C.V. Raman University
Kargi Raod, Kota,
City: Bilaspur   Colleges in Bilaspur
State: Chhattisgarh   Find Colleges in Chhattisgarh
Phone Number: +91-7753 - 253728(fax), 07753-253736/ 09617772314/ 5
Email: ,    
Official Website:
University: Dr. C.V. Raman University

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Dr. C. V Raman University

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About Dr. C. V Raman University

Dr. C.V. Raman University has been set up by the All India Society for Electronics and Computer Technology (AISECT). This University has been named after the first Nobel Laureate of the country in the field of Science, Dr. C.V. Raman. The University is located at Kota Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh). The University has been notified on 3rd November 2006 and Shri Santosh Choubey has been appointed as its first Chancellor. Dr. A. S. Zadgaonkar has become the first Vice Chancellor and Shri Shailesh Pandey has taken over as the Registrar of the University.

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Posted By: Pramod Dabholkar    Posted Date: 05 Feb 2012   
New phone numbers: 07753-253736/ 09617772314/ 5

Number currently given in ISC database is fax number.

Posted By: dharmendra jalan    Posted Date: 09 Jun 2013   
Dr. C. V raman university bilaspur

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