Campus Representative of
Apeejay Institute of Technology
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Apeejay Institute of Technology
Apeejay Institute of Technology (AIT) School of Computer Science is one of five schools located in the 29 acres of Apeejay Technology Campus at Greater Noida. The other four members of the campus are the School of Management, School of Architecture & Planning, School of Education and the International School. Located in the industrial and entrepreneurial area of Greater Noida, the Institute has the advantage of proximity to many well known multinational companies and industrial enterprises e.g. LG Electronics, Moser Baer, Honda Siel, Yamah Motors, Daewoo - Anchor factories to name a few which provide an ideal setting for Institute - Industry interaction. The N.E.P.Z. is also situated close by, which hosts a number of software companies and corporate houses.
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