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Xavier Institute Of Social Service, Ranchi

This college post on IndiaStudyChannel gives information about the Xavier Institute Of Social Service, Ranchi located at Purulia Road, P.O Box 7 Ranchi-834001. Get to know about information like facilities, courses of college, official website, University of college. Also get a chance to know the campus representative of this college or to become one.
College Name: Xavier Institute Of Social Service, Ranchi
Address: Xavier Institute Of Social Service
Purulia Road
P.O Box 7
City: Ranchi   Colleges in Ranchi
State: Jharkhand   Find Colleges in Jharkhand
Phone Number: 0651-2200873, 0651-2204456, Fax number: 0651-2315381/ 2351482
Official Website:
Other popular names: XISS

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Xavier Institute Of Social Service, Ranchi

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About Xavier Institute Of Social Service, Ranchi

XISS over the last 50 years has treaded the path of glory and success. Over the years it has swollen both in terms of capacity as well as resources. It has now become one of the premium management schools of India in the fields of Personnel management, Rural development, Information management and lately Business management (marketing & Finance) .
This Institute has trained professionals who are attuned to the deeper aspirations of the common people for justice and who see their training as a preparation for true service to society. The Institute and its aims are all part of a great history and traditions, something which began years ago due to the initiatives taken by some men of providing education and expertise to
innumerable craving souls, just by virtue of their sacrifice and great courage.

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Courses in Xavier Institute Of Social Service, Ranchi

Course NameFeesSeats
Diploma Rural Development
Post Graduate Diploma Financial Management (PGDFM)
Post Graduate Diploma Personnel Management
P.G.D. Information Technology
Post Graduate Diploma Business Management
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Posted By: Pramod Dabholkar    Posted Date: 05 Feb 2012   
Fax number: 0651-2315381/ 2351482

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