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National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Mohali

Searching for institutions or colleges to gain a degree in Arts education stream in the city of Sector 67, Phase x, S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali-160062, Punjab? If this is what you are searching for, then you have landed on the right page. Check this post to know more information about National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research. This college imparts Arts and Science degree qualifying education. Get to know the telephone numbers, website and email address of the college. Also, get a chance to become a campus representative at IndiaStudyChannel for this college and guide people to get even more information about National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research.
College Name: National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Mohali
Address: Sector 67, Phase X, S.A.S. Nagar, (Punjab),
Mohali, INDIA-160062
City: Mohali   Colleges in Mohali
State: Punjab   Find Colleges in Punjab
Phone Number: +91-172-2214682-87, +91-172-2214687
Official Website:
University: National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
Other popular names: NIPER; National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research

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National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

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About National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) is the first national level institute in pharmaceutical sciences with a proclaimed objective of becoming a centre of excellence for advanced studies and research in pharmaceutical sciences. The Government of India has declared NIPER as an 'Institute of National Importance'. It is an autonomous body set up under the aegis of Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India. The Institute is conceived to provide leadership in pharmaceutical sciences and related areas not only within the country, but also to the countries in South East Asia, South Asia and Africa. NIPER is a member of Association of Indian Universities and Association of Commonwealth Universities.

The Institute is located about 250 Km north of Delhi at S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali), Punjab on a total area of 130 acres.


The main objectives of the Institute are :

Toning up the level of pharmaceutical education and research by training the future teachers, research scientists and managers for the industry and profession.
Continuing education programmes
Creation of National Centres to cater to the needs of pharmaceutical industries and other research and teaching institutes
Collaboration with Indian industries to meet the global challenges
National/International collaborative research
Curriculum and media development
Study of sociological aspects of drug 'use and abuse', and rural pharmacy, etc
Conducting programmes on drug surveillance, community pharmacy and pharmaceutical management

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