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Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology

Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology is located at 19 Knowledge Park-II, Institutional Area,Greater Noida-201306. Read this post to know more about the phone number, email address, website and university links. Get a chance to represent this college if you have studied from this institute in your student days as well.
College Name: Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology
Address: 19 Knowledge Park-II, Institutional Area,Greater Noida-201306
City: Noida   Colleges in Noida
State: Uttar Pradesh   Find Colleges in Uttar Pradesh
Phone Number: Telefax number: 0120-2320062, 0120-6498711
Official Website:
University: Gautam Buddh Technical University
Other popular names: NIET

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Campus Representative of
Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology

Vikas Srivastava

About Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology

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Courses in Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology

Course NameFeesSeats
B.Tech Chemical EngineeringTuition Fees: 75,00060
B.Tech Chemical Engineering
B.Tech Civil Engineering
B.Tech Civil EngineeringTuition Fees: 75,000120
B.Tech. Electronics and Communications Engineering120
B.Tech. Electronics and Communications Engineering
M.Tech. Telecommunication Engineering
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering120
M.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
M.Tech. Software Engineering
M.Tech. Software Engineering79,70018
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering120
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering
M.Tech. Power Electronics
M.Tech. VLSI system design79,70018
M.Tech VLSI Design
B.Tech. Information Technology60
B.Tech. Information Technology
Post Graduate Diploma Management
Post Graduate Diploma Management
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
B.Tech Mechanical EngineeringTuition Fees: 75,000120
M.Tech CAD / CAM
M.Tech Mechanical Engineering79,70018
M.Tech Mechanical Engineering
M.B.A. Business Administration75,000
M.B.A. Human Resource Management60
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Reviews of Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology

Noida Institute of Engineering and Tech. Best in Greater Noida. 3 out of 53 out of 53 out of 5
Noida Institute of Eng. and Tech. abbreviated as N.I.E.T is one of the best college in Greater Noida. It is affiliated to U.P.T.U now known as G.B.T.U. It has earned name in placements in reputed companies for some years. However it was established in 2001 but has gain much popularity among other colleges. Recent topper of this college has got 92% and make a mark in merit list. Courses that N.I.E.T Offers N.I.E.T offers many courses. Though it is famous as an Engineering College.


It offers in below listed streams 1. Electronics and Communication Eng. ( E&CE) 2. Mechanical Eng.( M.E) 3. Electrical and Electronics Eng. ( EN) 4. Computer Science Eng. ( CSE) 5. Information Technology ( IT) 6. Civil Eng. (CE)


You can opt any of below listed course for M.Tech 1. M.Tech (Software Eng.) 2. M.Tech (VLSI) 3. M.Tech (CAD) 4. M.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering) 5. M.Tech (Telecommunication)



1. M.Pharm (Pharmaceutics) 2. M.Pharm (Pharmacology) 3. M.Pharm (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)

Other Courses at N.I.E.T

1. M.B.A 2. M.C.A 3. P.G.D.M

Extra Activities

Though the campus is not big enough to maintain extra co-curricular activities is sports. But college has won many awards from various colleges by participating in their fests. Football and Cricket is always among choice of students. Recently, this college has made Research Group. Where students who want to give deep thought about his course and make his future bright and participate. The best feature of this program is that, a student can understand the topic by trying his hands on apparatus.

Placements in NIET

Placement is always a matter of concern for any college going student. In 2011, 168 students have been placed in TCS. 54 recruiters have came till date and 6 months are remaining for a year to complete. The maximum package given by a company to student is Rs. 4 lakh and minimum is Rs. 2 lakh. Other Informations Address 19, Knowledge Park-II, Institutional Area, Phase - II, Greater Noida. You can contact to college at the given numbers 0120-2320062, 0120-2320132, 0120- 6498711 Web-site

- By Ajay Kumar, 05 Feb 2012

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Posted By: Pramod Dabholkar    Posted Date: 10 Feb 2012   

(Website address is not typed correctly. Sign of : is missing after http)

Telefax number: 0120-2320062

Alternate phone: 0120-6498711

Posted By: Gypsy    Posted Date: 18 Feb 2012   
The description part is totally copied from the official website of the institute.


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