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VTM NSS College, Dhanuvachapuram, Thiruvananthapuram

Are you looking for information on VTM NSS College, Dhanuvachapuram? At this College page you will get all the details about the sports facilities, infrastructure, academic & other activities of VTM NSS College located at Dhanuvachapuram, Thiruvananthapuram. You will also know the contact details for admissions to this college.
College Name: VTM NSS College, Dhanuvachapuram, Thiruvananthapuram
Address: Dhanuvachapuram,
Near Neyyattinkara,
Kerala - 695 503
City: Thiruvananthapuram   Colleges in Thiruvananthapuram
State: Kerala   Find Colleges in Kerala
Phone Number: 0471- 2232240, Fax: 0471- 2230919
Official Website:
University: University of Kerala

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VTM NSS College, Dhanuvachapuram

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About VTM NSS College, Dhanuvachapuram

The Nair Service Society established VTMNSS College in 1964 in commemoration of the great freedom fighter, Thalakulathu Velu Thampi Dalava, on the occasion of his 200th birth anniversary. The late Padmabhushan Mannathu Padmanabhan, the founder-visionary of the NSS, is renowned for his remarkable foresight and philanthropy. Imbued with the spirit of imparting education to everyone, regardless of class, community or creed, he established a chain of colleges all over Kerala. VTMNSS College is situated on a hillock at Dhanuvachapuram, en route to Kanayakumari, which is on the southern most tip of Kerala. The idyllic environs of the college provide a congenial ambience for academic pursuits

V. T. M. N. S. S. college is located on a hill top at Dhanuvachapuram enroute to Kanyakumari on the southern most part of Kerala. Started as a junior college on 15th July 1964 in a temporary building, it has scaled higher peaks. The college was upgraded in 1967-68.

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Courses in VTM NSS College, Dhanuvachapuram

Course NameFeesSeats
B.Sc. ChemistryAs per government norms32
M.Com (Hons.)As per government norms15
M.Com Finance and ControlAs Per University Norms20
B.A. Economics
B.A. History
M.A, History
ME Industrial Engineering
Certificate course in Advanced Jewellery Design
B.A. English
B.A. Malayalam
M.A. English
B.Sc. Mathematics
B.Sc. Physics
B.A. Political Science
B.Sc. Zoology
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Posted By: Pramod Dabholkar    Posted Date: 27 Jan 2012   
Other popular name: VTM NSS College

Posted By: Pramod Dabholkar    Posted Date: 10 Apr 2012   
Management: Nair Service Society (NSS)

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