List of colleges in Shillong, Meghalaya

Find the list of all colleges in Shillong, Meghalaya. Find admission details of various engineering colleges, medical colleges and other colleges in Shillong

Are you looking for the best colleges in Shillong, Meghalaya? Find the admission notifications and list of the leading colleges in Shillong, Meghalaya. Get admissions for professional courses for the academic year 2025 - 2026.

List of Engineering Colleges in Shillong

National Institute of Technology

Are you looking for information about National Institute of Technology College in Shillong, Meghalaya? Wants to know about the features and facilities of this college? Find all relevant information for this college, their telephone number and address details, along with email address and website to contact college.

Institute of Allied Health Sciences

Are you looking for information about courses offered by Institute of Allied Health Sciences? Do you want to know the contact details, website and how to reach Institute of Allied Health Sciences? Check this college post to know more information about this college, about their infrastructure, the university affiliation and links related to admissions, exams and results of the college at Shillong Meghalaya-793 003.

Institute of Basic & Applied Sciences

Are you looking for information about Institute of Basic & Applied Sciences and finding out about where it is located? Check this post to know more about where the college is present, what courses are being offered and how to get in touch with the college authorities and the campus representative of Institute of Basic & Applied Sciences in Meghalaya-793 003.

Institute of Computer & Systems Sciences

Are you looking for information about Institute of Computer & Systems Sciences located in Shillong Meghalaya-793 003? Looking for admissions and results related to this college? Check this college post to know more about this institute along with address, website and contact details.

Institute of Technology

Are you looking for information about the Institute of Technology located at Shillong Meghalaya-793 003? Check this post to know details of the college, how to reach, contact details and related information about the college.

Shillong Engineering and Management College

Are you looking for information related to Shillong Engineering and Management College located at Modrina Mansion, Laitumkhrah, Shillong, Meghalaya-793 003? Check this college post to get details about the address, university and facilities provided by the college.

See all Engineering Colleges in Shillong

List of Medical Colleges in Shillong

Woodland Institute of Nursing

Are you looking for information about Woodland Institute of Nursing College in Shillong, Meghalaya? Wants to know about the features and facilities of this college? Find all relevant information for this college, their telephone number and address details, along with email address and website to contact college.

List of Nursing Colleges in Shillong

Woodland Institute of Nursing

Are you looking for information about Woodland Institute of Nursing College in Shillong, Meghalaya? Wants to know about the features and facilities of this college? Find all relevant information for this college, their telephone number and address details, along with email address and website to contact college.

Rapsbun School of Nursing Shillong

Rapsbun School of Nursing located at Lailum Khrah in Shillong is one of the premier colleges in Meghalaya for Bachelors courses in Nursing. Check this post to know about the college to communicate with them and read reviews given by other members.

List of Law Colleges in Shillong

University Law College

Are you looking for information about the University Law College in Meghalaya-793 003? If so, then you are at the right place to get information about the institute. Find contact details, telephone numbers and courses information about the college over here.

Hotel Management Courses and Institutes in Shillong

Polytechnics in Shillong

Shillong Polytechnic College

Check this college post to find information about Shillong Polytechnic College. You will know the telephone number, email ID and correct address of this college. Also find information about admissions to Shillong Polytechnic College at Shillong Polytechnic Shillong - 793008 Meghalaya.

MBA, PGDM Colleges and Business & Management Schools in Shillong

National Institute of Technology

Are you looking for information about National Institute of Technology College in Shillong, Meghalaya? Wants to know about the features and facilities of this college? Find all relevant information for this college, their telephone number and address details, along with email address and website to contact college.

Institute of Management Studies

Are you looking for information about the Institute of Management Studies in Meghalaya-793 003? Check this college post to know about the details of Institute of Management Studies, contact details, photographs and courses being offered.

Rajiv Gandhi Indian Institute of Management

Are you looking for a college to pursue a degree in Shillong Meghalaya? If so, then check this college post on IndiaStudyChannel website to know more about the Rajiv Gandhi Indian Institute of Management, the features of this college, courses offered and their contact details with university affiliation information.

Shillong Engineering and Management College

Are you looking for information related to Shillong Engineering and Management College located at Modrina Mansion, Laitumkhrah, Shillong, Meghalaya-793 003? Check this college post to get details about the address, university and facilities provided by the college.

Budha Bhanu Saraswati College

Are you searching for info regarding courses offered by Budha Bhanu Saraswati College? Are you in search to understand the contact details, web site and the way to reach Budha Bhanu Saraswati College at Mawprem, Shillong Meghalaya? Check this faculty post to understand additional information regarding this faculty, regarding their infrastructure, the university affiliation and links associated with admissions, exams and results of the faculty.

See all Business Administration and MBA Colleges in Shillong

Colleges in Shillong

St. Anthony's College

Are you looking for the details of St. Anthony's College which is affiliated to North Eastern Hill University? Know more about the college contacts info and courses offer by the college.

Shillong Law College

Looking for the details Shillong Law College, Dhankheti which is affiliated to North Eastern Hill University? In this post, you can get details of Shillong Law College with contacts and courses.

Institute of Library And Information Sciences

Are you looking for information about Institute of Library And Information Sciences in Shillong Meghalaya-793 003? Want to know about the features and facilities of this college? Find all relevant information for this college, their telephone number and address details, along with email address and website to contact college.

Institute of Social Sciences And Media Studies

Are you looking for information about Institute of Social Sciences And Media Studies in Meghalaya-793 003? Wondering about what courses are given for science at this college and the quality of education? Check this post to know more information about Institute of Social Sciences And Media Studies and contact them at their address, telephone numbers, email and website address.

Institute of Commerce & Business Education

Are you looking for information about the Institute of Commerce & Business Education located in Meghalaya-793 003? Check this college post to know more about the Institute and find information about the address, contact details and get to become a campus representative of the institute.

Institute of Applied Arts & Crafts

Are you looking for information about the Institute of Applied Arts & Crafts at Meghalaya-793 003? Wondering about the fee structure and courses offered at the college? Check this post to get complete information about the college, courses offered and staying and canteen facilities.

The English and Foreign Languages University Shillong

Do you want to know more about The English and Foreign Languages University, Shillong? Looking for information about where this college is located in Shillong Meghalaya? Want to know whether this college will be a good choice for the courses offered? Read this college post to know all such details of this college and the courses offered.

Saint Mary's College

Passionate about eduction in Shillong? Want to make a career in girl college? Get the details of this course and the job prospects at Saint Mary's College Shillong Meghalaya.

Shillong Commerce College

This post gives information about the Shillong Commerce College located at Shillong in Meghalaya. Shillong Commerce College is a popular college and is known for imparting quality education to its students.

St. Peter’s College

St. Peter’s College is located at Meghalaya 793003. Check this college post to know about the courses offered, how to reach details and other relevant information about the college over here.

K.L. Bajoria College

Are you looking for a reputed college to pursue your education in Shillong? If so, then check this college post on IndiaStudyChannel to know about K.L. Bajoria College, the infrastructure, courses offered and their contact details along with university affiliation.

Mawlai Presbyterian College

Are you looking for details about the Mawlai Presbyterian College at Mawlai Nongkwar, Shillong Meghalaya, 793017? This college post is the right page to get complete information about address, telephone number, address, website and info and reviews about Mawlai Presbyterian College.

Christian Academy College

Are you looking for information about courses offered by Christian Academy College? Do you want to know the contact details, website and how to reach Christian Academy College at Pynthorbah, Shillong Meghalaya? Check this college post to know more information about this college, about their infrastructure, the university affiliation and links related to admissions, exams and results of the college.

St. Mary’s College of Teacher Education

Are you looking for information about St. Mary’s College of Teacher Education and finding out about where it is located? Check this post to know more about where the college is present, what courses are being offered and how to get in touch with the college authorities and the campus representative of St. Mary’s College of Teacher Education in Laitumkhrah, Shillong Meghalaya.

Goodwill College Shillong

Are you looking for information about Goodwill College located in Shillong, Meghalaya? Looking for admissions and courses related to this college? Check this college post to know more about this institute along with the address, website and contact details.

St. Dominic College

Are you looking for information related to St. Dominic College located at Dum Dum, Nongthymmai, Shillong-14? If so, then check this college post to find information about the address, telephone numbers, email address and website information to find out further details of this college.

Bissau College, Shillong

Are you searching for an Arts or Commerce college in Shillong, Meghalaya? Check this college post to know more about Bissau College and get their contact details. Also, get to know the recognising university and basic infrastructure information about the college.

Umshyrpi College

Are you searching for a professional college to provide education for your child? Or yourself looking for education in a college in Laban,Shillong Meghalaya? Check this college post to know more about the Umshyrpi College and get their contact details and website for free. Also get to know the recognising university and basic infrastructure information about the college.

Morning Star College

Are you searching for a professional college to provide education in Shillong? Check this college post to know more about the Morning Star College at Nongthymmai, Shillong, Meghalaya and get their contact details and website for free. Also get to know the recognising university and basic infrastructure information about the college.

St. Edmund's College

Are you looking for information related to St. Edmund's College located at Laitumukhrah Road, Shillong? If so, then check this college post to find information about the address, telephone numbers, email address and website information to find out further details of this college.

Lady Keane College

Are you looking for the details of Lady Keane College which is affiliated to North Eastern Hill University? Get know the details of Lady keane college with contacts and courses of the college.

Women''s College Shillong

Women''s College Shillong for Women imparts education through Bachelors degree in the city of Shillong,Upper New Colony, Laitumkhrah, Dist: East Khasi Hills Meghalaya-793003. Get information related to address details, telephone contact numbers, email address and website over here to approach this college for more information. Also, get to read reviews by others to establish faith in the education imparted by the college.

See all Arts & Science and Other Colleges in Shillong

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