List of colleges in Warangal, Telangana

Find the list of all colleges in Warangal, Telangana. Find admission details of various engineering colleges, medical colleges and other colleges in Warangal

Are you looking for the best colleges in Warangal, Telangana? Find the admission notifications and list of the leading colleges in Warangal, Telangana. Get admissions for professional courses for the academic year 2025 - 2026.

List of Engineering Colleges in Warangal

SVS Institute of Technology

Are you looking for information on SVS Institute of Technology? At this College page you will get all the details about the sports facilities, infrastructure, academic & other activities of SVS Institute of Technology. You will also know the contact details for admissions in to this college at Hasanparthy 506 015.

Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science

Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science is one of the premier institutes in Mandal, Warangal - 506 015 A.P. Check this post to know more information about this government institute and contact them at their address, website and email address or telephone numbers.

Ramappa Engineering College

This post provides information about Ramappa Engineering College located at Hunter Road, Hanamkonda, Warangal. and provides various Engineering courses. Check this post to know more details about the contact details, facilities and courses provided by this college.

Ganapathy Engineering College

This post gives information about the Ganapathy Engineering College located at Kalkulam at Hunter Road Rangasaipet, Warangal, 506 002. Ganapathy Engineering College is a popular college and is known for developing quality of education and the passing out students to be well skilled in their trade.

SR Engineering College

Check this college post to know more information about the SR Engineering College located in Ananthasagar, Hasanparthy,Warangal, Andhra Pradesh PIN: 506371. Get information about address, email address, website and telephone number to know as to getting in touch with this college. Find more information about the courses offered by this college and how to take admissions to get a degree through this institute.

Vaagdevi College Of Engineering

Vaagdevi College Of Engineering is a university recognised college located in Bollikunta, Mamoonoor Camp, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh. Check this post to know more about facilities by the college, courses offered and other relevant details before taking admissions into this college.

National Institute of Technology

National Institute of Technology located at Warangal-506004, Andhra Pradesh is one of the premier colleges in Andhra Pradesh for Bachelors courses in various fields of Technology and Science. Check this post to know more information about the college to communicate with them and read reviews given by other members and also get a chance to represent this college on behalf of the campus.

See all Engineering Colleges in Warangal

List of Medical Colleges in Warangal

Sri Shivani College of Pharmacy

Sri Shivani College of Pharmacy is affiliated to university. See this post to know latest contact numbers & full postal address of Sri Shivani College of Pharmacy at Mulugu Road, Warangal dist. - 506 007.

Sri Kakatiya Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Your search for information on Sri Kakatiya Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Dharmasagar (M), Warangal Dist.-506370 ends over here. Get to know brief information about this college, contact details and university affiliation information from this college post. If you have any queries or looking for feedback about this college, ask them in the forum or Ask Expert section of this website.

Kakatiya Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

This post gives information about the Kakatiya Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences located at Mdl: Hasanparthy, Dist: Warangal. Kakatiya Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences is a popular college and is known for developing quality of education and the passing out students to be well skilled in their trade.

KU College of Pharmaceutical Sciences

The KU College of Pharmaceutical Sciences is a reputed public high college affiliated to university. The detailed contact information & unbiased reviews of KU College of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Warangal are posted hereunder for your ready reference.

Vaagdevi College of Pharmacy

This post provides information about Vaagdevi College of Pharmacy located at Warangal – 506 001. This college is located along the East Coast road in Sathak Nagar and provides various Engineering courses. Check this post to know more details about the contact details, facilities and courses provided by this college.

Talla Padmavathi College of Pharmacy

Check this college post to find information about the Talla Padmavathi College of Pharmacy at Warangal - 506 012. Get to know the telephone number, email address, address of this college. Also find information about the college and the entrance exam results and admissions to this college.

Anantha Lakshmi Govt.Ayurvedic Medical College,

This college post provides information about the Anantha Lakshmi Govt.Ayurvedic Medical College, in Lakshmipura, Labour Colony,Warangal - 506 013. Get to know information about the features and facilities provided by the college and also the contact details including address, contact number, email address, courses offered and reviews about this college by others.

A.L. Government Ayurvedic College

Looking to admit your child to a professional college in Warangal, Andhra Pradesh? Try the A.L. Government Ayurvedic College. Hereunder provided is the latest address, phone numbers, email, website, etc of the A.L. Government Ayurvedic college.

Kakatiya Medical College

Searching for an Medical college in Kakatiya Medical College? Check this college post to know more about Kakatiya Medical College at Warangal, Telangana and the courses offered. Also get to know information about the college infrastructure and details as to how to reach this college.

St. Peter's Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Searching for information about where St. Peter's Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences is located? Searching for available courses that are available to study in this college? Check this college post to know more about the institute, infrastructure and information about how to get to this college at Vidyanagar, Hanumakonda, warangal-506001.

Blue Birds College of Pharmacy

Check this college post to find information about the Blue Birds College of Pharmacy at 4-286, Bheemram (v), Hasanparthy(M), Konamkonda, Warangal-506015. Get to know the telephone number, email address, address of this college. Also find information about the college and the entrance exam results and admissions to this college.

See all Medical Colleges in Warangal

List of Nursing Colleges in Warangal

Apple School of Nursing

Are you searching for the official email id of Apple School of Nursing? Find complete contact information of Apple School of Nursing at Apple Hospitals, Pochamma Maidan , Warangal. in the following college post.

Jaya School of Nursing

Are you looking for information related to Jaya School of Nursing at C/o Jayas Nursing Home, Hanumakonda, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh-506011 located at Warangal? Check this college post to get details about the address, university and facilities provided by the college.

List of Law Colleges in Warangal

University College of Law

This college post provides information about the University College of Law at Warangal Telangana. Find details about the features of this college, its affiliation information, address, telephone numbers, email address and website to different courses offered by the college for students to gain their engineering education at Bachelors and Masters level.

Adarsha Law College

This post gives information about the Adarsha Law College located at Nakkalagutta, Warangal–001, Ph.No.0870-2567118. Adarsha Law College is a popular college and is known for developing quality of education and the passing out students to be well skilled in their trade.

Polytechnics in Warangal

Mandibazar Govt Polytechnic College for women

Check this college post to find information about the Mandibazar Govt Polytechnic College for women at Warangal. Get to know the telephone number, email address, address of this college. Also find information about the college and the entrance exam results and admissions to this college.

MBA, PGDM Colleges and Business & Management Schools in Warangal

Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science

Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science is one of the premier institutes in Mandal, Warangal - 506 015 A.P. Check this post to know more information about this government institute and contact them at their address, website and email address or telephone numbers.

Alluri Institute of Management Science

The Alluri Institute of Management Science is a well known Kakatiya University affiliated college in Warangal. The following college post contains the latest contact information & first hand reviews about the Alluri Institute of Management Science.

National Institute of Technology

National Institute of Technology located at Warangal-506004, Andhra Pradesh is one of the premier colleges in Andhra Pradesh for Bachelors courses in various fields of Technology and Science. Check this post to know more information about the college to communicate with them and read reviews given by other members and also get a chance to represent this college on behalf of the campus.

See all Business Administration and MBA Colleges in Warangal

Colleges in Warangal

Siddhartha Junior College

Check this college post to find information about Siddhartha Junior College. Know the telephone number, email ID and postal address of this college. Also find information about Siddhartha Junior College at Warangal, Andhra Pradesh courses, entrance exam results and procedure for admissions.

Vagdevi junior college

Looking for colleges in Warangal, Andhra Pradesh? Check this college page to know about Vagdevi junior college, one of the colleges located in Warangal, Andhra Pradesh. Get details of the courses offered by the college for learning. Also get to know information about the college infrastructure and details as to how to reach this college.

Sneha Junior College

Check this college post to find information about Sneha Junior College at Warangal, Andhra Pradesh. You will know the telephone number, email ID and correct address of this college. Also find information about admissions to Sneha Junior College.

AVV Degree College

Are you searching for information about AVV Degree College situated in SVN Road, Warangal - 506 002? If so, you have come to the right page to get complete information about this college. Check this college post page on IndiaStudyChannel to know about their address, telephone number and website details for free. Ask for any query in Forums or Ask Expert Section. Read about the resources related to this college in the Articles section.

Rahman's College of Education

Looking for information about Rahman's College of Education in Hanumkonda Road, Jangaon, Warangal Dist.? Check this post to get more information about the facilities provided by the college, their contact details and other related information.

Margadarshi College of Education

Are you searching for a institute to provide education in Mahabubabad-5061041, Warangal Dist.? Check this college post to know more about the Margadarshi College of Education and get their contact details and website for free. Also get to know the recognising university and basic infrastructure information about the college.

Lal Bahadur (LB) College of Education

One of the most sought after Engineering colleges in S.P.Road, Warangal - 506 007. Lal Bahadur (LB) College of Education offers graduates and post graduate learning courses. Find the details of Courses, Admission, Fees, Address of Lal Bahadur (LB) College of Education.

Jayamukhi College of Education

Are you searching for info regarding courses offered by Jayamukhi College of Education? Are you in search to understand the contact details, web site and the way to reach Jayamukhi College of Education at Narsampet, Warangal Dist.? Check this faculty post to understand additional information regarding this faculty, regarding their infrastructure, the university affiliation and links associated with admissions, exams and results of the faculty.

Jangaon College of Education

Are you searching for a professional college to provide education in Nidigonda - 506 244, Raghunathpally, Warangal Dist? Check this college post to know more about the Jangaon College of Education and get their contact details and website for free. Also get to know the recognising university and basic infrastructure information about the college.

Ganapathi College of Education

Are you looking for information related to Ganapathi College of Education located at Kanchipuram in Warangal? Check this college post to get details about the address, university and facilities provided by the college.

Fatima College of Education

Are you looking for information about the Fatima College of Education in Khazipet, Warangal - 506 004? If so, then you are at the right place to get information about the institute. Find contact details, telephone numbers and courses information about the college over here.

Educare College of Education

Are you looking for information about the Educare College of Education in Jangaon, Warangal Dist.-506167? Check this college post to know about the details of Educare College of Education, contact details, photographs and courses being offered.

DRS College of Education

Are you looking for information about DRS College of Education in Thorrur, Thorrur(M), Warangal Dist.? Wondering about what courses are given for Engineering at this college and the quality of education? Check this post to know more information about DRS College of Education and contact them at their address, telephone numbers, email and website address.

Dr.MR Reddy Degree College

Looking for information about the Dr.MR Reddy Degree College? Or are you looking for colleges in Parkal - 506164, Warangal Dist? Want to know how to get admissions to college in Parkal - 506164, Warangal Dist? Check this college post to know more about this institute and also about the courses offered by the college. Get to know the university by which the college is recognised. Also find information about how to get in touch with the college.

Ekashila Degree College

One of the most sought after Engineering colleges in Jangaon, Warangal Dist. - 506167. Ekashila Degree College offers graduates and post graduate learning courses. Find the details of Courses, Admission, Fees, Address of Ekashila Degree College.

Gamnapathi Degree College

The correct official address of Gamnapathi Degree College is available here in this college post. Refer to this post also to know about the correct telephone numbers of Gamnapathi Degree College at Mahadevpur Road, PARKAL, Waranga.

Chaitanya Degree & P.G. Colleges (Autonomous)

Are you searching for a reputed institute in Kishanpura, Warangal in Telangana? Check this college post to know more about the Chaitanya Degree & P.G. Colleges (Autonomous) and get their contact details. Also, get to know the courses and basic infrastructure facilities available with the college.

Akarapu Sharath Chandrika Devi Memorial College for Women

Searching for an Arts and Science college in Fort Road, Warangal - 506 002? Check this college post to know more about Akarapu Sharath Chandrika Devi Memorial College for Women and the courses offered. Also get to know information about the college infrastructure and details as to how to reach this college.

Kakatiya college of computer sciences

Kakatiya college of computer sciences located at #23-6-203/2, hunter road, hanamkonda,warangal is one of the premier colleges in Karnataka for Bachelors and Masters courses in various fields of education in Engineering. Check this post to know more information about the college to communicate with them and read reviews.

Institute for Technology and Management

Are you looking for information related to Institute for Technology and Management located at Hunter Road, Opp. APSRTC Tyre Unit, Warangal - 506 001? If so, then check this college post to find information about the address, telephone numbers, email address and website information to find out further details of this college.

Manair College Of Library Science

Are you searching for a institute to provide education in Warangal 507002 Andhra Pradesh? Check this college post to know more about the Manair College Of Library Science and get their contact details and website for free. Also get to know the recognising university and basic infrastructure information about the college.

Balaji Inst. Of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Searching for institutions or colleges to gain a degree in Science education stream in the city of ? If this is what you are searching for, then you have landed on the right page. Check this post to know more information about Balaji Inst. Of Pharmaceutical Sciences. This college imparts Science degree qualifying education. Get to know the telephone numbers, website and email address of the college. Also, get a chance to become a campus representative at IndiaStudyChannel for this college and guide people to get even more information about Balaji Inst. Of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

CARE College of Pharmacy

Searching for institutions or colleges to gain a degree in professional stream in the city of Oglapur(v),Atmakur(M), Warangal-506006? If this is what you are searching for, then you have landed on the right page. Check this post to know more information about CARE College of Pharmacy. This college imparts degree qualifying education. Get to know the telephone numbers, website and email address of the college. Also, get a chance to become a campus representative at IndiaStudyChannel for this college and guide people to get even more information of CARE College of Pharmacy.

Pingali Government College for Women

To know the latest information, including the latest phone number, full postal address, official e-mail, official website and reviews etc about the Kakatiya university affiliated Pingali Government College for Women, go through the following college post.

Lal Bahadur College

Are you looking for a college for education near Sardar Patel Road, Warangal - 506007? Check this post to know more about the Sardar Patel Road, Warangal - 506007, the address details and courses offered by this college. Get in touch with the college through the telephone numbers and email address provided.

Islamia Arts & Science College

Wondering where to located Islamia Arts & Science College? Looking for information about the courses offered by this college? Check this college post to know more about the college and information about how to reach the facility. Get to know more about the infrastructure and admissions, exams and results of the courses every year. Islamia Arts & Science College at Islamia Arts & Science College, Opppsite MGM Hospital, Warangal - 506007 Andhra Pradesh.

See all Arts & Science and Other Colleges in Warangal

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