Colleges » National Institute of Design » Diploma Hospital Management
Diploma Hospital Management in National Institute of Design: Fees, Admissions 2024 - 2025
Find details of Diploma Hospital Management course in National Institute of Design. Check out the number of seats, fees structure, last date to apply, admission criteria, minimum cut off marks and more details to get admission for Diploma Hospital Management in National Institute of Design.
Course Details
Graduate Diploma Programme in Design (GDPD)
This 4-year intensive professional UG programme is offered in the following areas of specialisation:
Product Design, Furniture & Interior Design, Ceramic &
Glass Design
(Under the faculty of Industrial Design)
Graphic Design, Animation Film Design, Film & Video
Communication, Exhibition (Spatial) Design
(Under the faculty of Communication Design)
Textile Design
(Under the faculty of Textile, Apparel and Lifestyle Design)
GDPD commences with a two semester rigorous Foundation Programme. This programme is geared to assist in developing attitudes, sensorial skills and aesthetic sensitivity necessary for further specialisation in specific areas of design. The purpose is to create awareness of the environment and to arouse the students' creative faculties. The primary concern of the Foundation Programme is to introduce the students to the fundamentals of design, to initiate them to design as a creative problem solving process, and to develop a highly
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List of Colleges with Diploma Hospital Management Courses in Ahmedabad and Nearby
As per our records, 1 colleges in Ahmedabad offers Diploma Hospital Management. Find the list of colleges in Ahmedabad with Diploma Hospital Management course.
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