Colleges » Govt. Polytechnic For Women » BE Chemical
BE Chemical in Govt. Polytechnic For Women: Fees, Admissions 2024 - 2025
Find details of BE Chemical course in Govt. Polytechnic For Women. Check out the number of seats, fees structure, last date to apply, admission criteria, minimum cut off marks and more details to get admission for BE Chemical in Govt. Polytechnic For Women.
Course Group: | Chemical |
Course Name: | BE Chemical |
College Name: | Govt. Polytechnic For Women |
Fees structure: | Fee as per P.S.B.T.E & I.T Rules. Fee should be deposit in beginning of semester. |
Seat Count: | 40 |
Brochure Link: | |
Last Date to Apply: | |
Course Details
Candidates should be passed in 10th with Science, Math and English.
Admission is granted on the basis of joint Entrance Test (JET) conducted by P.S.B.T.E & I.T, Punjab, Chandigarh usually in the month of May every year.
Higher Education after diploma :-
Student can do AMIE, IETE and can get admission in IInd Year B.Tech based on merit of diploma or LEET test.
Duration of the course is three years
Job Opportunities after ECE Diploma :- Electronic Exchanges, Department of Telecommunications, Doordarshan Prasar Bharti, Industries manufacturing Electronics & Communication system, PCB Fabrication, Lab Technicians in degree colleges & polytechnics, Vocational Teachers in Schools, Mobile communication centres.
BE Chemical AdmissionsIf you are looking for admission to BE Chemical course in Govt. Polytechnic For Women, contact the college directly. If you would like to get admission guidance for BE Chemical or other courses in various popular colleges, you may take our admission guidance services. Click the link below to get started with BE Chemical admission in various colleges.
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List of Colleges with BE Chemical Courses in Chandigarh and Nearby
As per our records, 3 colleges in Chandigarh offers BE Chemical including Govt. Polytechnic For Women and Universal Group Of Institutions, Chandigarh. Find the list of colleges in Chandigarh with BE Chemical course.
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