Colleges » Motiram Baburam Govt. Post Graduate College Haldwani, Nanital » B.A. Hindi
B.A. Hindi in Motiram Baburam Govt. Post Graduate College Haldwani, Nanital : Fees, Admissions 2025 - 2026
Find details of B.A. Hindi course in Motiram Baburam Govt. Post Graduate College Haldwani, Nanital . Check out the number of seats, fees structure, last date to apply, admission criteria, minimum cut off marks and more details to get admission for B.A. Hindi in Motiram Baburam Govt. Post Graduate College Haldwani, Nanital .
This is a 3 years course and one of the subjects taken would be Hindi along with 2 other subjects from the list of electives.
Course Details
This is a 3 years Bachelor of Arts course leading to a degree of B.A. One can choose from various subjects to elect 3 including Hindi. These subjects are English, history, Sociology, Economics, Psychology, Poltical education, Education, home Science, Music, Sanskrit, Maths, and Geography. After completing this course one has opportunity to go for Post Graduation in the related subject or go for B.Ed. if one is interested to go to teaching line. Another opportunity is go for entrance exams for the various positions for which graduation is the minimum eligibility.
Eligibility Criteria for B.A. Hindi Admissions
Eligibility to apply for this course is 10+2
How to Apply for B.A. Hindi in Motiram Baburam Govt. Post Graduate College Haldwani, Nanital
One has to apply online in the college website and upload the following documents -
1.Candidate Photograph
2. Candidate Signature
3.Transfer Certificate (Original)
4. Character Certificate(Original)
5. 10th Certificate (Original)
6. Certificate (SC/ST/OBC/PH/FF/Ex.Def/EWS) - only for Realated Category
7. Weightage certificate (Sports/NCC/NSS etc.) - only for Realated Category
B.A. Hindi AdmissionsIf you are looking for admission to B.A. Hindi course in Motiram Baburam Govt. Post Graduate College Haldwani, Nanital , contact the college directly. If you would like to get admission guidance for B.A. Hindi or other courses in various popular colleges, you may take our admission guidance services. Click the link below to get started with B.A. Hindi admission in various colleges.
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List of Colleges with B.A. Hindi Courses in Nanital and Nearby
As per our records, 1 colleges in Nanital offers B.A. Hindi. Find the list of colleges in Nanital with B.A. Hindi course.
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