Colleges » NIFT Mumbai » B.Des Fashion Design
B.Des Fashion Design in NIFT Mumbai : Fees, Admissions 2024 - 2025
Find details of B.Des Fashion Design course in NIFT Mumbai . Check out the number of seats, fees structure, last date to apply, admission criteria, minimum cut off marks and more details to get admission for B.Des Fashion Design in NIFT Mumbai .
Keen on pursuing a Bachelors Degree course in Fashion Design at NIFT Mumbai? Learn the eligibility requirements and course features.
Course Group: | Designing |
Course Name: | B.Des Fashion Design |
College Name: | NIFT Mumbai |
Fees structure: | Approximately Rs 120000 per semester |
Seat Count: | 42 |
Brochure Link: | |
Last Date to Apply: | |
Course Details
This course comprises of learning various aspects of Fashion Design, with the main areas covered including design & illustration, fundamentals of apparel development, etc. Under these broad categories your will further learn pattern making, draping, garment construction, fabric fundamentals, sustainability crafts & fashion, value addition etc.
Eligibility Criteria for B.Des Fashion Design Admissions
The candidate should be 10+2 pass to apply for this course.
How to Apply for B.Des Fashion Design in NIFT Mumbai
The candidate has to make an online registration at the institute's website and deposit the application fee. After this, an all India basis General Ability Exam will be conducted by the institute and the candidates as per their merit obtained in this written exam would be called for an interview for final selection.
B.Des Fashion Design AdmissionsIf you are looking for admission to B.Des Fashion Design course in NIFT Mumbai , contact the college directly. If you would like to get admission guidance for B.Des Fashion Design or other courses in various popular colleges, you may take our admission guidance services. Click the link below to get started with B.Des Fashion Design admission in various colleges.
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List of Colleges with B.Des Fashion Design Courses in Mumbai and Nearby
As per our records, 1 colleges in Mumbai offers B.Des Fashion Design. Find the list of colleges in Mumbai with B.Des Fashion Design course.
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