Colleges » A.P Sen Memorial Girls College » M.A. English »

M.A. English in A.P Sen Memorial Girls College: Fees, Admissions 2025 - 2026

Find details of M.A. English course in A.P Sen Memorial Girls College. Check out the number of seats, fees structure, last date to apply, admission criteria, minimum cut off marks and more details to get admission for M.A. English in A.P Sen Memorial Girls College.
Are you interested to pursue a Post Graduation course in English? Here is the information regarding this course in A P Sen Memorial Girls College, Lucknow.

Course Group:Languages
Course Name:M.A. English
College Name:A.P Sen Memorial Girls College
Fees structure:
Seat Count:
Brochure Link:
Last Date to Apply:

Course Details

This course is for 2 years' duration, over four semesters. The college is affiliated with Lucknow University and the syllabus is the same as prescribed by the university.

The students will study English Society, Literature and Thought, Readings in Literary Criticism, English Language Teaching, Literature and Gender, American Literature, Indian Literature in English, Contemporary Literary Theories, Colonial and Post-Colonial Literature, etc. The students will be doing Dissertation work and after the written examinations, viva-voce would be held.
[refer for detailed syllabus at -]

Eligibility Criteria for M.A. English Admissions

The candidates applying for this course should have at least 45% marks (For SC/ST candidates only 40%) in their UG degree course.

How to Apply for M.A. English in A.P Sen Memorial Girls College

The candidate has to apply for admission to the college in the prescribed application form by giving all the necessary information and attach the following documents -
1. Attested copies of certificate and mark sheets of High School, Intermediate, and UG degree.
2. Original transfer certificate (TC) and Character certificate.
3. Passport size photos - 4 Nos.
4. Caste certificate if applicable.

M.A. English Admissions

If you are looking for admission to M.A. English course in A.P Sen Memorial Girls College, contact the college directly. If you would like to get admission guidance for M.A. English or other courses in various popular colleges, you may take our admission guidance services. Click the link below to get started with M.A. English admission in various colleges.

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List of Colleges with M.A. English Courses in lucknow and Nearby

As per our records, 3 colleges in lucknow offers M.A. English including A.P Sen Memorial Girls College and Karamat Husain Muslim Girls Post Graduate College. Find the list of colleges in lucknow with M.A. English course.If any college is missing in the above list, you may search for the college and add this course to the college.

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