Colleges » Solapur Education Society's Polytechnic, Solapur » Diploma Electronics & Tele-communication »

Diploma Electronics & Tele-communication in Solapur Education Society's Polytechnic, Solapur: Fees, Admissions 2025 - 2026

Find details of Diploma Electronics & Tele-communication course in Solapur Education Society's Polytechnic, Solapur. Check out the number of seats, fees structure, last date to apply, admission criteria, minimum cut off marks and more details to get admission for Diploma Electronics & Tele-communication in Solapur Education Society's Polytechnic, Solapur.
Want to apply for admission to a Diploma program in Electronics and Communication Engineering in Solapur, Maharashtra? Find out the admission process for the Diploma program in Electronics and Communication Engineering at S.E.S. Polytechnic, Solapur.

Course Group:Electronics
Course Name:Diploma Electronics & Tele-communication
College Name:Solapur Education Society's Polytechnic, Solapur
Fees structure:
Seat Count: 30
Brochure Link:
Last Date to Apply:

Course Details

The 3-year course leading to a Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering provides theoretical knowledge and practical skills that are acquired through understanding the concepts of maths, science, and electronic & telecom. engineering. The campus has up-to-date labs for practicals, including an Analog Electronics lab, a Measurement and Control Lab, a Digital & Microcontroller Lab, etc.

There is also a 2-year Diploma course in the same field through lateral entry admissions.

Eligibility Criteria for Diploma Electronics & Tele-communication Admissions

Applications for admission to the Diploma program in Electronics and Communication Engineering can be done by successfully passing the Class 10 exam with 35% and above. Institution quota seats are available for students outside the State of Maharashtra.

Students desirous of applying for admission to the lateral 2-year diploma course should have completed Class 12 with PCM in the science stream.

How to Apply for Diploma Electronics & Tele-communication in Solapur Education Society's Polytechnic, Solapur

The admission process for the Diploma program in Electronics and Communication Engineering is the same as for the Diploma Civil Engineering program.

Diploma Electronics & Tele-communication Admissions

If you are looking for admission to Diploma Electronics & Tele-communication course in Solapur Education Society's Polytechnic, Solapur, contact the college directly. If you would like to get admission guidance for Diploma Electronics & Tele-communication or other courses in various popular colleges, you may take our admission guidance services. Click the link below to get started with Diploma Electronics & Tele-communication admission in various colleges.

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List of Colleges with Diploma Electronics & Tele-communication Courses in Solapur and Nearby

As per our records, 2 colleges in Solapur offers Diploma Electronics & Tele-communication including Solapur Education Society's Polytechnic, Solapur and Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Barshi. Find the list of colleges in Solapur with Diploma Electronics & Tele-communication course.If any college is missing in the above list, you may search for the college and add this course to the college.

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