Medical colleges in Kolar, Karnataka Find the list of the leading Medical colleges in Kolar, Karnataka. If you are looking for Medical admission in Kolar, see the details of each college and apply directly. We can help you with admission guidance. Are you looking for the Medical colleges in Kolar? IndiaStudyChannel is a leading education portal in India, providing admission and course details of every Medical course in Kolar and other cities. If you are looking for Medical admissions to 2025 - 2026 academic year, get in touch with us today.
Sri Devaraj URS Medical College Do you want to know more about Sri Devaraj URS Medical College? Are you looking for information about where this college is located in Kolar, Tamaka, Kolar, Karnataka? Read this college post to know the address and telephone contact details of this college and also information about the courses offered by this college.Apply Now
Noori College of Physiotherapy Noori College of Physiotherapy located at Anderson Pet, KGF 563113, Kolar Distt. (Kar.). Check this college post to know about the different courses being offered in Arts and Sciences stream, their contact details and website address. Also, get to know the important benefits and advantages of this college and why one should give more preference to Noori College of Physiotherapy over others.Apply Now
KGF College of Dental Sciences & Hospital Looking for information about KGF College of Dental Sciences & Hospital in BEML Nagar Post, KGF-563115? Check this post to get more information about the facilities provided by the college, their contact details and other related information.Apply Now