Medical colleges in Mohali, Punjab

Find the list of the leading Medical colleges in Mohali, Punjab. If you are looking for Medical admission in Mohali, see the details of each college and apply directly. We can help you with admission guidance.

Are you looking for the Medical colleges in Mohali? IndiaStudyChannel is a leading education portal in India, providing admission and course details of every Medical course in Mohali and other cities. If you are looking for Medical admissions to 2025 - 2026 academic year, get in touch with us today.

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National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

Searching for institutions or colleges to gain a degree in Arts education stream in the city of Sector 67, Phase x, S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali-160062, Punjab? If this is what you are searching for, then you have landed on the right page. Check this post to know more information about National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research. This college imparts Arts and Science degree qualifying education. Get to know the telephone numbers, website and email address of the college. Also, get a chance to become a campus representative at IndiaStudyChannel for this college and guide people to get even more information about National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research.
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Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing

Looking for the official website of Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing? Right here at this college page you will get to know the website as also the email ID & contact phone numbers of Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing at Distt. Mohali-140301 Post Basic.
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Sri Guru Ram Das College of Nursing

The Sri Guru Ram Das College of Nursing is a reputed university affiliated professional college in Near Gurdwara Shaheed Gunj, Sri Amritsar B.Sc. (N). Get the latest contact information of Sri Guru Ram Das College of Nursing from this college page.
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Chandigarh Business School

One of the most sought after Science and Commerce colleges in Mohali Punjab-140307, Chandigarh Business School offers B.Sc., M.Sc, M.Com and other such courses for graduate and post graduate learning. Find the details of Courses, Admission, Fees, Address of Chandigarh Business School.
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Doaba Group of Colleges,Mohali,Punjab

Doaba Group of Colleges,Mohali,Punjab is situated at Ghataur,kharar, Mohali. This college provides education in Engineering subjects and prepares students more in a practical manner. Check this post to get address, telephone numbers and other details.
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Find medical Colleges in Punjab

IndiaStudyChannel can guide you to get admission for Medical courses in Mohali. We can connect you with the best education consultants who can help you with the admission dates, fees structure and other admission procedure for the next academic year. Apply Now for admissions.

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