University Colleges in Uttar Pradesh

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Find University Colleges Colleges in Uttar Pradesh

College NameCityState

Academy of Professional Studies India, APS India ( Ignou Approved ), Lucknow

LucknowUttar Pradesh

Acme Institute of Management & Technology, Sikindra

SikindraUttar Pradesh

Amiruddaula Islamia Inter College, Lucknow

LucknowUttar Pradesh

Amity Business School, Noida

NoidaUttar Pradesh

Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Noida

NoidaUttar Pradesh

Amity Institute of Environmental Toxicology Safety And Management, Noida

NoidaUttar Pradesh

Amity Institute of Space Science & Technology, Noida

NoidaUttar Pradesh

Amity School of Architecture & Planning, Lucknow

LucknowUttar Pradesh

Baba Raghavdas Bhagwandas Degree College, Deoria

Deoria Uttar Pradesh

Baba Saheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya, FIROZABAD

FIROZABADUttar Pradesh

Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University Lucknow

LucknowUttar Pradesh

Babu Banarsi Das National Institute of Technology & Management, Lucknow

LucknowUttar Pradesh

Banaras Hindu University College, Varanasi

VaranasiUttar Pradesh

Beacon Institute of Technology, Meerut

MeerutUttar Pradesh

BLS Institute of Management, Ghaziabad

GhaziabadUttar Pradesh

Bundelkhand University, Jhansi

JhansiUttar Pradesh

Center For Management Development, Modinagar

ModinagarUttar Pradesh

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Noida

NoidaUttar Pradesh

Chitrakoot Institute of Computer Science & Technology KArwi

KarwiUttar Pradesh

College OF Agribusiness Management, Pantnagar

PantnagarUttar Pradesh

College of Engineering and Technology, Mooradabad

Mooradabad Uttar Pradesh

Commander Arjun Singh Bhadauria, Mahila MahaVidyalaya, Etawah

EtawahUttar Pradesh

Deptt. of Library & Information Science, BSB Ambedkar University, Lucknow

LucknowUttar Pradesh

Design KOP Labs College, Noida

NoidaUttar Pradesh

Disha Institute of Science & Technology, Dhampur

DhampurUttar Pradesh

Ducat Institute Of Professional Studies, Noida

NoidaUttar Pradesh

Faculty of Commerce College, VARANASI

VARANASIUttar Pradesh

Footwear Design And Development Institute, Noida

NoidaUttar Pradesh

Halina School of Home Science Allahabad, Ahmedabad

AhmedabadUttar Pradesh

Hindu College, Moradabad

MoradabadUttar Pradesh

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