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M.Phil. Zoology

Master of Philosophy in Zoology

Are you interested in doing research on animals? Do you want to study and research on animal kingdom right from its evolution to extinct stage? If the answers to these questions is “yes” then, you should think of doing M.Phil. in Zoology course. Learn what is required out of you to do this course.

Course Name: M.Phil. Zoology
Group: M.Phil.
Stream: Science
Course Category: Zoology
Duration: 2 years

About M.Phil Zoology course

It is a postgraduate zoology course. As a subject, zoology is related to the study of animal kingdom right from its evolution to its extinct. The stages of an animal to study in zoology course would be evolution, classification, distribution and habits of all animals including both living as well as extinct animals. The criteria of awarding this degree vary from university to university.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The common requirement for pursuing Zoology is passing in Master's degree securing a minimum of 55% of the aggregate marks or a second class from any recognized university.
  • Those students who are in their final year are also eligible to apply for M.Phil in Zoology course.
The minimum duration of M.Phil in Zoology course is 1 year while the maximum time of doing this degree is 2 years but it varies from institute to institute.

M.Phil. Zoology 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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M.Phil. Zoology - Colleges & Admission Notifications

Find the list of colleges offering M.Phil. Zoology course. Check out individual college websites to know more about the admission for 2025 - 2026 academic year. You may download the application form and course details from the official college website.

College Name
A.R.C. Viswanathan College, Tamil Nadu
A.V.C College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu
A.V.V.M. Sri Pushpam College, Tamil Nadu
Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College(Autonomous), Tamil Nadu
Catholicate College, Kerala
Deccan Education Society Willingdon College, Maharashtra
Devchand College, Maharashtra
Dodla Kausalyama College For Women, Andhra Pradesh
Ethiraj College for Women, Tamil Nadu
Faculty of Law University of Delhi, Delhi
Gangadhar Meher College, Odisha
Government Arts College (Autonomous), Tamil Nadu
Govt. Holkar Science College, Madhya Pradesh
J.D.Patil Sangludkar Mahavidyalay Daryapur, Maharashtra
J.K.K.Nataraja College of Arts & Science, Tamil Nadu
Jamal Institute of Management, Tamil Nadu
Jamal Mohamed College OF Teacher Education, Tamil Nadu
Jijamata Mahavidyalaya, Maharashtra
Kanchi Mamunivar Centre for Post-Graduate Studies, Puducherry
Khadir Mohideen College, Tamil Nadu
Khalsa College Amritsar, Punjab
Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Tamil Nadu
KTHM College, Maharashtra
Loyola College, Tamil Nadu
NDMVP Samaj''s K.T.H.M. College, Maharashtra
Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Tamil Nadu
Pachaiyappa''s College for Men, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Presidency College, Tamil Nadu
Quaid-e-Millet Arts College, Tamil Nadu
Quaid-E-Milleth Govt. Arts College For Women, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

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Who all are suitable to do M.Phil Zoology course

  • The students opting course in zoology must be hard working, dedicated and independent.
  • They should be able to work with diverse groups of people and they should have effective written and verbal communication abilities.
  • Candidates must be of the opinion that they have to spend most of their time researching and studying the behavioral aspects of animals.
  • They should be ready to work in risk prone situations where they are open to attacks like scratching, biting, etc. and they can also sustain injuries.
  • They should also possess project management skills like undertaking research projects and experiments.

Advantages and benefits of M.Phil Zoology course

  • After passing M.Phil Zoology degree, students may start off their career as a professor or a lecturer in universities or colleges.
  • Candidates may join any research work in this field.
  • They can work as a biological technician. Here, their work is to take care of animals, collect data and to look after the habitat management of the animals.
  • They can be recruited as Wildlife Conservationists where their responsibility consists of conserving the rarest species of animals and wildlife.
  • Television channels such as Discovery channel, National Geographic, Animal Planet, etc. offer various opportunities for documentary film making.
  • Few other places where a zoology student can be hired are national parks, zoos, wildlife, botanical gardens, aquariums, laboratories, fisheries and aquaculture, animal clinics, museums, veterinary hospitals, etc.

M.Phil. Zoology Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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