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Have you successfully undergone the DOEACC ‘B’ level course? Intending to join the ‘C’ level course as well? Want to gain in knowledge about the latest in computing technologies, programming and managing of computer systems? Then learn here the details of the course DOEACC ‘C’ level.

Course Name: DOEACC C Level
Group: M.Tech.
Stream: Engineering
Course Category: Information Technology
Duration: 2 Years


The DOEACC ‘C' level course is equivalent to an M.Tech course in the field of information technology and computer applications. With this qualification, one can apply for most top jobs in the IT sector. Like any other M.Tech course, DOEACC ‘C' level provides you with a sound background in computer science and engineering. The advantage of this course is that even working professionals too can undergo this course without hampering their jobs. Otherwise one can undergo it through any of the DOEACC Society accredited institute.

Eligibility and course duration

Candidates having successfully undergone the DOEACC ‘B' level are eligible. Others who have done B.E, B.Tech, MCA, M.SC, MBA, Masters in Math/ Statistics are also eligible. Those who will be appearing for the course directly and not through an institute will need an additional one and half to two years relevant experience in the IT sector.

The duration of the course is 2 years.

DOEACC C Level 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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DOEACC C Level - Colleges & Admission Notifications

Find the list of colleges offering DOEACC C Level course. Check out individual college websites to know more about the admission for 2025 - 2026 academic year. You may download the application form and course details from the official college website.

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Acs Institute, Uttar Pradesh
Aishwarya College of Education, Rajasthan

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Uttar Pradesh     Rajasthan     

More about the course

The DOEACC ‘C' level course is conducted by the National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT). The pattern of the course is very similar to the other DOEACC courses. There are theory papers. Practical exams and perhaps the most important project works and dissertations. The ‘C' level course is the highest level course that is conducted by the NIELIT in the field of IT and computers. The number of theory papers in this level are 12, including 2 electives. Then there are 4 practical and 2 project works. The dissertation part is very important at the C level. The student has to carry them out under the guidance and supervision of faculty members of the respective institute. The aim of the project is to give the opportunity to the students to accomplish tasks through their own thinking.

Jobs and opportunities

The above course opens up numerous avenues for employment in the field of IT. Since this is a government recognized course, one also has the opportunity of getting employed in the government sector in posts requiring an M.Tech qualification. Due to the rapid advances in computer science and information technology, there is no dearth of jobs in this field. Some of the job profiles are project manager, IT consultant, computer scientist, system specialist, software programmer, network administrator and so on. You can also work in academic set ups and in institutions related to IT. There are also potential for research work in the field.

DOEACC C Level Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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