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MS English

Want to be excellent in English Language skills? Do you want to have a strong foundation in English literature? Want to know the list of colleges in India offering the MS English course and the eligibility criteria? Learn more about this course and the admission procedure in various colleges and universities in India.

Course Name: MS English
Stream: Education
Course Category: Education
Duration: 2 Years

Over view of MS English Course

There is huge demand for postgraduates in English across the globe. The course offers a comprehensive and intensive approach for specialization in specific areas in English Language. Program emphasis on learning varied dimensions of modern and contemporary literature, trains them to acquire confidence and analytical abilities. Students are exposed to literary themes, devices and develop multiple strategies to enhance their language skills. The programs main aim is to train students to become scholars of English language and make way for their career growth. Designed course helps students equip with language skills, pure and applied linguistics, literary theory and literature.

Eligibility for the course

A bachelor's degree in English from a recognized university. The candidate must have cleared GAT general test. Selection is through written test and an interview. Students should submit mark sheet, photographs, domicile certificate and relevant documents at the time of interview.

MS English 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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MS English - Colleges & Admission Notifications

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Additional Information about MS English Course

The post graduation course develops transferable intellectual knowledge in areas of listening, reading, communicating, human and conceptual skills. It promotes decision making capabilities and trains them to assume leadership roles in the necessary areas. Extensive program trains them to research and apply in their relevant areas with stimulation and enquiry approaches. The program enhances critical thinking through application of theory and enables them to learn independently. Students are exposed to structure and services for effective learning and provides practice in literature writing, criticism, essays and arguments. Reinforced classroom teaching with latest technologies and methodologies are imparted for effective up-date skills. Computer technology instructions is provided to help them to grow personally and professionally. Program inspires them to develop value-based learning through cultural, social, political and economic aspects.

The curriculum includes organized research oriented seminars, talks, presentations, debates, training, workshops, group discussions and dissertation. The core content covers areas of research methodology, educational theories and dimensions, general and applied linguistics, structural and functional grammar, translation studies, stylists, lexicology, language planning and ideology, critical analysis, narrative discourse, contemporary short fiction etc. Syllabus includes phonetics, phonology, linguistics, discourse analysis, modern literature language teaching, theory and practice.

Scope for the Successful Candidates

The qualified students find jobs in publishing houses, educational institutions, print and media, advertising sectors, marketing units, corporate companies and other relevant sectors. The job profiles are as editors, professors, teachers, writers, critics, translators, journalists, inspirational speakers, academic supervisors, poets, authors, play-writers, scrip-writers, proof readers, English coaching instructors.

MS English Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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