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M.Sc Medical Laboratory Technology (M. Sc MLT)

Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Technology

Have you done your bachelor degree in Science stream? Do you want to pursue post graduation in Medical Laboratory Technology field? If the answer is 'Yes', then there is a course for you as- M.Sc in Medical Laboratory Technology. There are many science and medical institutes offering this course and you can get the general details from below.

Course Name: M.Sc MLT
Group: M.Sc.
Stream: Healthcare & Medical Science
Course Category: Medical
Duration: 2 Years


M.Sc. is a master or post graduate degree that is - Master of Science. The specialization of Medical laboratory Technology (also addressed as MLT) deals with the all the laboratory techniques a health care team should know. Candidates get an opportunity to learn about the high-etch instruments related to medical science, diagnosis, treatment and even for prevention of disease.
The course includes theoretical studies, practical training and an exposure to various tests from the field of microbiology, hematology, Cytology, Biochemistry, Oncology, etc.
The course is suitable for candidates who have a research attitude and have an ability to complete the task with in time limit.


Candidates should have done their Graduation/ Bachelors in MLT or BMLT from any of the recognized institute/ University. The minimum qualifying marks of 55% marks as an aggregate.
Candidates from the field of nursing/ Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics or any other equivalent course are also accepted for this course.

M.Sc MLT 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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M.Sc MLT - Colleges & Admission Notifications

Find the list of colleges offering M.Sc MLT course. Check out individual college websites to know more about the admission for 2025 - 2026 academic year. You may download the application form and course details from the official college website.

College Name
A. D. N. Institute of Para Medical Sciences, Nagpur, Maharashtra
Adesh Institute of Medical Science & Research, Bathinda, Punjab
Amritha Institute of Medical Science and Research Centre, Kerala
D.s. Institute Of Paramedical Science & Hospital, Uttar Pradesh
Doon Paramedical College & Hospital, Uttarakhand
Dr. M.V. Shetty Institute of Allied Health Sciences, Karnataka
Itm Institute of Health Sciences, Nagpur, Maharashtra
Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research, Puducherry
K S Hegde Medical Academy, Karnataka
Loyola College, Tamil Nadu
MM Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Haryana
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research , Chandigarh
School of Education - Vels Univesity, Tamil Nadu
Subharti Institute of Technology and Engineering, Uttar Pradesh
Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Uttar Pradesh

To add a college to the above list, you must search for college and then add a course to the college.

Filter by State

Maharashtra     Punjab     Kerala     Uttar Pradesh     Uttarakhand     Karnataka     Puducherry     Tamil Nadu     Haryana     Chandigarh     

Admission Procedure

The admission procedure includes submission of filled application form before last date. Some institutes offer admissions on direct basis, some offer through merit list and some recognized institutes conduct their entrance test to short list the candidates for admissions.


The duration for this course is 2 years. These 2 years are divided into 4 semesters, each having 6 months duration. Each semester ends with final examination and candidates need to clear each semester separately.

Further Study options

It is a professional course and candidates can easily get a job after completion. Still if a candidate wants to continue his or studies, PhD. course can be pursued by him or her. It is a research based course with excellent job opportunities afterwards.

Course Highlights

The course has 2 core specialties - Microbiology and Immunology and Clinical Biochemistry. Some part of Molecular Biology, Clinical Pathology, Bio statistics, Hematology, Immunopathology, Applied genetics, etc are also included in the course.
Candidates also learn about Clinical Biochemistry, Biomedical Techniques and Immunological techniques.
Some part of Hospital management is also includes in the course. The last part of course includes project or dissertation work.

Job aspects

These candidates can work in clinics, nursing homes, hospitals, commercial clinical laboratories, public health facilities, etc. They can work in forensic, pharmaceutical and even industrial research labs.
They can work as a Lab supervisor, Laboratory manager, technologists, as Lab In charge, Health and safety officer and Health care administrator.

M.Sc MLT Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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