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Post Graduate Diploma Electronics Engineering (PGDEE)

Want to study further after graduating? Aspiring to hold a diploma in electronic engineering? Then enroll in Post Graduate Diploma in Electronics Engineering course. Learn the course details, the eligibility criteria and the job prospects? Know the list of colleges and universities that offers this course in India.

Course Name: Post Graduate Diploma Electronics Engineering (PGDEE)
Group: Ph.D.
Stream: Science
Course Category: Electronics
Duration: 1 year

Course Description of Post Graduate Diploma Electronics Engineering

The advanced program for electronic engineering students aims at providing advanced theoretical knowledge and practical skills to become efficient professionals in the electronic settings.The comprehensive course enhances the qualification of the students and updates them with latest techniques and technologies. The program equips them with skills in computer science, software's and develops emotional intelligence. The course is designed to provide a pathway for students to make a career in electronic engineering. Students are exposed to the world of robotics, artificial intelligence environments and provides access to computer aided design tools. Students get hands on experiences in latest laboratories for sharpening their skills in handling devices and equipment's.

Eligibility Criteria

Students with bachelors degree in electronic /electrical/tele communication/computers/with a bachelors degree in computer science from a recognized university are eligible. Students should possess analytical thinking, decision making and communication skills.

Post Graduate Diploma Electronics Engineering (PGDEE) 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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Post Graduate Diploma Electronics Engineering (PGDEE) - Colleges & Admission Notifications

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Additional description of Post Graduate Diploma Electronics Engineering

The discipline electronic engineering is a branch of electrical discipline involving study of non-linear and electronic components. Training exposes them in understanding the devices, their functional operations it includes diodes, transistors, integrated circuits etc.The diploma course in electronic engineering is one year full time program. The course provides state of art facilities for learning experiences. The branch of electronic engineering emerged during the improvements that occurred in telegraphy industry. Study focuses on understanding of electronic concepts of designing the latest circuits, using electromagnetic properties of electrical components. The basic study subjects includes physics, chemistry and mathematics, and covers a wide range of sub disciples of electronic engineering which includes telecommunications and signal processing. Students learn electronic procedures and principles and translate them into relevant areas. The course offers further studies in areas of research in electronic engineering. The intensive study course imparts in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills for them to expertise in the field. Diploma course provides a pathway for them to become competent professionals in electronic field and face challenges.

Study Course

The study subjects includes instrumentation electronics, advanced digital systems, signal processing, networking, linear systems, embedded processors, sensors, digital control theory communication, designing for mass production.

Job Prospects

Jobs are available in varied sectors such as telecommunications, radar and remote sensing, information security, automation, power systems, electronic industrial sectors, micro-technology etc. They can work as hardware engineer, design engineer, electronic engineer, computer engineer instrumentation engineer. They can pursue research studies and obtain doctorate degree.

Post Graduate Diploma Electronics Engineering (PGDEE) Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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