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Diploma Accupuncture in Ayurveda

Have you recently completed any course in Ayurveda? Do you wish to become an acupuncturist in the future? Do you want to know how acupuncture treatment is provided in Ayurveda? Then you can study a diploma Acupuncture in Ayurveda. Find out in detail about this course in the next section.

Course Name: Diploma Accupuncture in Ayurveda
Group: Diploma
Stream: Healthcare & Medical Science
Course Category: Ayurveda


Generally, there is a preconceived notion that acupuncture involves only needles. But, this notion is falsified in this diploma course. You will learn that not only needle, there are other kinds of treatments that are provided in diploma Acupuncture in Ayurveda. In this course, you will learn how touch therapy plays an important part. The importance of touch therapy has been experimentally proved in many universities abroad. This diploma course provides all the information in this regard. This course also includes thermal and laser treatment techniques. You will have to use the best possible technique as and when the situation calls for it. Not all the treatments mentioned in this course will be applicable for each and every patient. You will learn which situation is appropriate for which kind of treatment. This course is about 1 year. In the last couple of months, you will be assigned to actual patients.

Diploma Accupuncture in Ayurveda 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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Diploma Accupuncture in Ayurveda - Colleges & Admission Notifications

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Eligibility Criteria

  1. The candidates must pass higher secondary prior to this diploma course. Students, who have completed any two year diploma, that is equivalent to 10+2 are also eligible. But, those diploma courses must be affiliated with some government organization. The candidates who have cleared any diploma course on Ayurveda sciences are also eligible for this course.
  2. There is no restriction regarding the stream to be pursued in higher secondary. Those students who have come from an arts or science background are seen to be more successful in this diploma. There is also no restriction regarding the marks to be obtained in 10+2. There is no admission test. The entrance to this course is purely on merit basis.

Job Prospects

  1. You can join as professional acupuncturist. Since you will be trained in Ayurveda acupuncture, your technique will be highly popular among patients.
  2. You can join the licensing division of a hospital as a licensing analyst. Your job will be mainly to take care of customer queries and solve their problems. You will have to monitor the hospital records from time to time. You will be partially responsible for any anomaly detected in the hospital record.
  3. After being 4-5 years in the technical departments of a hospital, you can join the sales department. You will have to look after the sales of Ayurveda medicines territory wise.
  4. After 10-12 years of experience as a sales representative, you can become the sales manager. You can become the divisional manager,
    where you will be taking care of multiple Ayurveda hospitals.

Diploma Accupuncture in Ayurveda Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

Are you looking for admissions for Diploma Accupuncture in Ayurveda for the academic year 2025 - 2026? We can connect you with the right colleges and universities offering Diploma Accupuncture in Ayurveda courses in your preferred locations.

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