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BE Chemical

Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical

Wondering whether to graduate in chemical engineering ? Are you interested in this field? Then on this page, you will find all the details of the BE Chemical engineering course: the eligibility criteria, admission criteria, course details, job opportunities and the colleges offering this course.

Course Name: BE Chemical
Group: B.E.
Stream: Engineering
Course Category: Chemical
Duration: 4 years


the basic eligibility criteria for this course is 10+2 Science exam of national level JEE exam or Institute level entrance exam. A diploma in the same branch can take direct admission to second year degree.

Admission criteria:

Admission is based on merit of 10+2 science or JEE or Institute level exam

Course overview:

Candidates joining this course need to have a strong background in chemistry and mathematics. Chemical engineering graduates make chemistry happen. This course is all about the design and operation of chemical processes and the conceptual understanding and design of technically useful materials. The course is designed to equip the graduates with the skills required to take up leading positions in the chemical industry.

BE Chemical 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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BE Chemical - Colleges & Admission Notifications

Find the list of colleges offering BE Chemical course. Check out individual college websites to know more about the admission for 2025 - 2026 academic year. You may download the application form and course details from the official college website.

College Name
A. R. J. Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
A. V. C. Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
A.A.N.M. & V.V.R.S.R. Polytechnic, Krishna Dist, Andhra Pradesh
A.D.J. Dharmambal Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
A.Y. Dadabhai Technical Institute, Gujarat
Aalim Muhammed Salegh Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
Aanm & Vvrsr Polytechnic College, Andhra Pradesh
Aarooran Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
Aarsh Institute of Technology, Gujarat
Abdul Razzaq Kalsekar Polytechnic College, Maharashtra
Abhinav Education Society, College of Engineering & Technology, Maharashtra
Abhishek Polytechnic College, Punjab
Abohar Polytechnic College, Punjab
Acharya Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
Acharya Polytechnic College, Karnataka
Adarsh Engineering College, Haryana
Adarsh Polytechnic College, Haryana
Adarsha School of Engineering & International Polytechnic, Odisha
Adhiparasakthi Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
Adhiyamaan Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
Adi Parasakthi Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
Aditya Institute of Technology and Management, Andhra Pradesh
Aishwarya Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
AKNM Govt. Polytechnic College, Thirurangadi, Kerala
AKT Memorial Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
AL-Ameen Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu
Alagappa Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
Alagappa Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
Alpha College of Engineering, Karnataka
Aman Bhalla Polytechnic College, Punjab

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Tamil Nadu     Andhra Pradesh     Gujarat     Maharashtra     Punjab     Karnataka     Haryana     Odisha     Kerala     Telangana     Assam     Delhi     Uttar Pradesh     West Bengal     Bihar     Sikkim     Chandigarh     Andaman and Nicobar     Uttarakhand     Jharkhand     Himachal Pradesh     Madhya Pradesh     Goa     Puducherry     Jammu and Kashmir     Rajasthan     Arunachal Pradesh     

Course Details:

This four year course spreads across eight semesters with the curriculum comprising of starting with basic subjects, core subjects, electives pertaining to chemical engineering. These are taught using theory – instructor based lectures, tutorials, practical , mini projects etc. The candidates take up projects in the final year or the final semester, depending on the University. Overall the graduates completing this course are equipped to manipulate natural processes and or produce materials or chemicals which are economically safe, and environmentally benign.

Job opportunities:

The chemical engineering graduates can be employed in manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, pulp and paper, petrochemicals, food processing, polymers, biotechnology, and environmental health and safety industries etc. They apply the concepts of chemistry learnt to solve problems pertaining to the production or use of chemicals and other products. Their job profiles may include the design of equipment and processes for large-scale/ medium –scale/ small-scale chemical manufacturing plants, plan and test the techniques of manufacturing products and chemically treating the byproducts, or supervising production.

Higher studies:

The graduates can opt for research by joining a post graduate course or pursue a degree in MBA.

BE Chemical Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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