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B.A Painting, Sculpture, Applied Arts

Bachelor of Arts in Painting, Sculpture, Applied Arts

Do you have interest in applied arts and other related arts? Do you want to study further in the same field after your 12th? There is a course B.A in Painting, Sculpture, Applied Arts which is available in many art institutes in India. All the basic details can be obtained from below.

Course Name: B.A Painting, Sculpture, Applied Arts
Stream: Art & Design
Course Category: Fine Arts
Duration: 3 years


B.A. is Bachelor of Arts and is a graduation level or undergraduate course in non scientific field. It has different specializations and Painting, Sculpture, Applied Arts is one among them. B.A. in Painting, Sculpture, Applied Arts completely deals with fine arts and teaches about application of designing, aesthetics, etc. Candidates get to know about industrial designs, fashion designs, Graphic designs, interior designing and decoration, decorative arts, advertising, architecture related designing, functional art, photography and many more. It is an integrated course which gives combined knowledge about the related fields and their applications. Candidates get full exposure to advertising, print media and electronic media through this course.


A candidate must have completed his or her 12th standard from a reputed institute and recognized board to become eligible for this course. The criteria about minimum qualifying marks and age need to be checked from the selected institute before submission of application form as it varies from one institute to another.

B.A Painting, Sculpture, Applied Arts 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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B.A Painting, Sculpture, Applied Arts - Colleges & Admission Notifications

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Admission Procedure

For admissions, candidates need to submit their duly filled application form enclosed with other required documents and application fee before last date. Some institutes offer admissions directly on first come first serve basis where as some institutes take admissions through merit list and some conduct entrance examinations.


The duration for this course is 3 complete years. In some institutes, these 3 years are divided into 6 equal parts known as semester. Each semester has 6 months duration.

Further Study options

After completion B.A in Painting, Sculpture, Applied Arts, candidates interested in higher studies can pursue M.A. in same or related subjects. MBA or Master of Business Administration can also be pursued.
B.Ed and then M.Ed is an option for those having interest in teaching. After post graduation, PhD is suggested to have a career in research field.

Course Highlights

This course includes study about Calligraphy, drawing, clay and plaster modeling, color theory and compositions. Candidates also learn about history of art in India, sketching (both indoor and outdoor), stencil print, geometrical drawing, perspective drawing, etc.
The later part of course includes 2D and 3D animations, computer applications related to arts, computer graphics, advertising theory, Indian aesthetics, typography, poster design, western aesthetics and press layout.

Job aspects

These candidates are suitable for working as a teacher, editor, texture painter, graphic designer, social media designer, director, visual effect supervisor, modeler, etc. They can work in art studios, ceramic industries, music industries, photography firms, print making firms, etc.

B.A Painting, Sculpture, Applied Arts Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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