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Diploma Commercial Practice

Diploma in Commercial Practice

Diploma Commercial Practice is a course for 10th passed out students. Are you looking for an earning option to support your family even in early age? This course is very helpful for you. All the details like Admissions, duration, eligibility, etc. are mentioned here for your reference.

Course Name: Diploma Commercial Practice
Stream: Business & Management
Course Category: Commerce
Duration: 3 Years

Course details

This Diploma course prepares students for earning in very young age by teaching commercial things like stenography, accounting, typewriting, data entry, etc. It can be addressed as Business Study management Course as it teaches the basic for Business management including sales and commerce. The course is offered by many colleges including Polytechnic institutes in India. The course aims for students belonging to families facing financial problems and cannot afford the expenses of higher education for their children.

Further study options

After Diploma Commercial Practice students can go for Bachelor degree course related to commerce. These can be Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelors in Business Administration, course related to accounting or any other related course. There many institutes who offer lateral entry in graduation level course to students who have qualified this diploma course.
Additional qualification after Diploma gives additional benefits in career options.

Diploma Commercial Practice 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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Diploma Commercial Practice - Colleges & Admission Notifications

Find the list of colleges offering Diploma Commercial Practice course. Check out individual college websites to know more about the admission for 2025 - 2026 academic year. You may download the application form and course details from the official college website.

College Name
Acharya Polytechnic College, Karnataka
Amritlal Virpal Parekh Technical Institute, Gujarat
B.S.F. Institute of Technology, Karnataka
CPC Government Polytechnic College, Karnataka
G.M.R.Polytechnic, Gazwel, Telangana
Government Polytechnic For Girl's, Gujarat
Government Polytechnic , Nellore, Telangana
Government Polytechnic College, Kottayam, Kerala
Government Polytechnic For Women, Telangana
Government Polytechnic For Women, Kakinada, Telangana
Government Polytechnic For Women, Palamaneru, Telangana
Government Polytechnic For Women, Suryapet, Telangana
Government Polytechnic, Nandigama, Telangana
Govt. Polytechnic College, Madhya Pradesh
K.D. Polytechnic College, Gujarat
K.D.R. Government Polytechnic College, Telangana
K.N.Polytechnic, Hyderabad, Telangana
KS Saket Degree College, Uttar Pradesh
Polytechnic For Girls College, Gujarat
S.G. Government Polytechnic, Adilabad, Telangana
S.R.R.S. Government Polytechnic, Siricilla., Telangana
Sir Bhavsinhji Polytechnic Institute, Gujarat
Sree Padmavathi Women's Polytechnic, Tirupathi, Telangana
The Oxford College of Polytechnic, Karnataka
VS Vellaichamy Nadar Polytechnic College, Tamil Nadu
Women's Polytechnic College, Kerala
Women’s Polytechnic College Nattakam, Kerala
Womens Polytechnic College, Kerala

To add a college to the above list, you must search for college and then add a course to the college.

Filter by State

Karnataka     Gujarat     Telangana     Kerala     Madhya Pradesh     Uttar Pradesh     Tamil Nadu     

Job opportunities

After this Diploma course, candidates may start their career as executive assistants, assistant administrative managers or secretaries in different organizations. They can work for BPO or KPO industries with good salary offers. As they have studies about commerce and business related things, they are capable for working as Assistant managers for commercial parties, sales commercial managers, commercial head or any other related job/designation.


The course includes regular classes for 3 years and it is not available as part time or distant education programme.


Candidates can register for this course after qualifying 10th standard examinations. The minimum passing marks may vary from institute to institute.

Course content idea

As the course prepares for bright future, it includes almost all business related subjects like Company law & secretarial Practice, Business law, Accountancy and Auditing & taxation. The students also need to study Commerce subjects, Business management, Tally accounting and Marketing management. The course focuses on to improve typing capability hence includes Typewriting and Shorthand. It also includes the basic education of Computers and Internet.

Diploma Commercial Practice Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

Are you looking for admissions for Diploma Commercial Practice for the academic year 2025 - 2026? We can connect you with the right colleges and universities offering Diploma Commercial Practice courses in your preferred locations.

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