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PG Professional Diploma in Spl.Edu.(HI)

Post Graduate Professional Diploma in Special Education (Hearing Impairment)

Are you a B.Ed in Education/ Special Education and interested in pursuing a post graduate program? Desirous of working with people suffering from hearing impairment? Learn here about the course Post Graduate Professional Diploma in Special Education (Hearing Impairment).

Course Name: PG Professional Diploma in Spl.Edu.(HI)
Stream: Education
Course Category: Education
Duration: 1 Year


A post graduate program run by IGNOU, it aims to train and produce special educators who may work in the field of hearing impairment suffered by children and the youth alike. With no bar on minimum and maximum age, the program can be undertaken at one's own pace stretching from a minimum of 1 year to a maximum of 3 years. For those having already undertaken a bachelor's degree in education this is a worthwhile course to further specialize in this field. There is a lot of scope in the field of hearing impairment as a number of children at an early stage start suffering from hearing loss in one or both ears.

Eligibility and course duration

Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) in general stream or special education. Selections to the program are based on marks obtained in graduation. The duration of the course is typically of one year, but may stretch to a maximum of 3 years.

PG Professional Diploma in Spl.Edu.(HI) 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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PG Professional Diploma in Spl.Edu.(HI) - Colleges & Admission Notifications

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More about the course

The post graduate special education program imparts you with the specialized skills and knowledge required to perform as a special educator for students afflicted with hearing loss. Through this course you come to understand the difference between hearing impairment and deafness. Hearing loss or impairment is up to a certain extent. If the hearing loss is beyond 90 decibels, then it is categorized as deafness. You will be learning the various sub-categories for hearing loss like conductive, sensorineural, central and mixed. You get to learn what suits the best for each category of hearing impairment. One also learn of the different rehabilitation techniques to be incorporated depending upon whether the hearing loss is slight, mild, moderate or severe.

Among other things that you will educating the hearing impaired will be lessons on grammar, spelling and vocabulary. How to take notes during lectures, taking part in group discussions and putting up oral presentations are a few things special educators teach their students about.

Prospects and jobs

You gain skills in oral and manual communication like lip reading, residual hearing, sign language, etc. You may work in special schools or special classes designated for the hearing impaired. You may work in the area of voice and articulation training where many of the children learn to form the sounds that they do not hear. You may work in clinics for the hearing impaired. You may also pursue program such as M.Ed special education and so on.

PG Professional Diploma in Spl.Edu.(HI) Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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